Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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The Great ideas today

Series: The Great ideas today Published by : Chicago (William Benton) Physical details: 590 p.
Subject(s): | |
Year: 1965
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Basement 909.82082 Gre (Browse shelf) Available 37509

Part I. Work, wealth, and leisure. Automation and jobs / Yale Brozen ; Jobs for the displaced : a public responsibility / Adolf A. Berle, Jr. ; Cybernation, unemployment, and freedom / Robert Theobald ; Progress sharing : key to a private property economy / Arthur Larson ; Wealth and happiness in Great Books of the Western World ; Work and leisure in Great Books of the Western World --
Part II. Contemporary aspects of a great idea. On death / Milton Mayer ; On death : a review in pictures --
Part III. The year's developments in the arts and sciences. Literature: Stephen Spender ; Philosophy and religion: John E. Smith ; Social sciences: Kenneth E. Boulding ; biological sciences: George Gaylord Simpson ; Physical sciences and technology: Jeremy Bernstein --
Part IV. Additions to the Great books library. Utopia (abridged) / Sir Thomas More ; Walden (selections) / Henry David Thoreau ; The challenge of democracy / John Strachey.