Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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The Great ideas today

Series: The Great ideas today Published by : William Benton (Chicago) Physical details: 535 p.
Subject(s): |
Year: 1966
Tags from this library: No tags from this library for this title.
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Basement 909.82082 Gre (Browse shelf) Available 37510

I. The difference of woman and the difference it makes : a symposium. How woman differs from man : the facts. Woman : nurture makes the difference / Elisabeth Mann Borgese --
The changing role of woman : a biosocial interpretation / Lucius F. Cervantes --
A new look at woman's work / Anna Rosenberg Hoffman --
The Church and women / James A. Pike --
Woman in Great books of the western world --
Woman : the image of the difference. II. The new man / Milton Mayer. III. The year's developments in the arts and sciences. Literature / Susan Sontag --
The social sciences and history / Asa Briggs --
Astronomy and the physical sciences / Hermann Bondi --
The biological sciences / Warren S. McCulloch and Warren M. Brodey.