Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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The Great ideas today

Series: The Great ideas today Published by : William Benton (Chicago) Physical details: 536 p.
Subject(s): | 20th century |
Year: 1967
Tags from this library: No tags from this library for this title.
Item type Current location Call number Status Date due Barcode
Basement 909.82082 Gre (Browse shelf) Available 37511

Part I. Should Christianity be secularized? : a symposium: Why Christianity must be secularized / Harvey Cox --
Why Christianity should not be secularized / E.L. Mascall --
Does secular theology have a future? / Martin E. Marty --
The need for a theology of the world / M.D. Chenu --
The idea of religion in Great Books of the Western World. Part II. The year's developments in the arts and sciences: Music, painting, and sculpture / Roy McMullen --
The physical sciences / Stephen Toulmin --
The biological sciences / Theodore Puck --
Theology / Langdon B. Gilkey. Part III. The contemporary status of a great idea: The idea of happiness / V.J. McGill. Part IV. Additions to the Great Books library: Eclipse of God / Martin Buber --
What is life? / Erwin Schrödinger --
Sir Gawain and the green knight / [John Gardner, tr.].