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New way to bake

by Khoury, Philip
Published by : Hardie Grant Books (UK), ([S.l.] :) Physical details: 253 p. ISBN:1784885924; 9781784885922. Year: 2023
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Sweet risen -- Biscuits and cookies -- Tarts and pies -- Cakes -- Desserts -- Confections -- Base recipes.

A New Way to Bake reinvents and reimagines cakes, bakes and desserts, using plant-based ingredients that are available globally. Chef Philip Khoury has delved deep into patisserie in an attempt to make desserts that are 'cleaner', and that present finer flavors and textures. In A New Way to Bake, Philip transforms the traditional building blocks of baking by using plant-based, natural ingredients or ingredients that have been in use for over 100 years. A New Way to Bake uncovers a brief history of baking before setting out the Plantry, where the main ingredients and their functionalities are explained. Full of delicious bakes, from Apple Pie to Banana Bread, to Lamingtons and Tiramis , there are sweet treats for any occasion. ecipes are broken down into digestible steps, with explanations as to why steps are important, and tips along the way too. Plus, there are even QR codes to help navigate through the recipes. Written in an informative yet approachable style, A New Way to Bake is a comprehensive guide that arms readers with a new outlook and tools to bake a better future. Classic bakes made plant-based; Easy recipes with no branded or territory-specific ingredients that are heavily processed (e.g. egg replacements), just natural ingredients; From a well-connected pastry chef at the top of his game, who is plant-based himself.