The Progressive Movement 1900-1915
Edited by Richard Hofstadter
- Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1963
- 185 p
- A Spectrum book S-72 .
pt. 1: The muckrakers. S.S. McClure discovers a trend of the times, 1903 ; Theodore Roosevelt finds a name for the muckrakers, 1906 ; Ida M. Tarbell on the methods of the Standard Oil Company, 1902 ; Upton Sinclair on the Chicago stockyards, 1906 ; Marie Van Vorst on the plight of the working woman, 1903 ; John Spargo on child labor, 1906 ; Ray Stannard Baker on the condition of the Negro, 1905 -- pt. 2: Social and moral issues. An East-Side resident testifies on tenement conditions, 1900 ; Robert Hunter on poverty, 1904 ; Justice Holmes dissents in Lochner v. New York, 1905 ; Louis D. Brandeis presents an unconventional brief, 1907 ; David J. Brewer in Muller v. Oregon, 1908 ; Theodore Roosevelt on conservation, 1907 ; Edward A. Ross on the criminaloid type, 1907 ; Walter Rauschenbusch on the social role of Christianity, 1907 ; Rheta Childe Dorr on the role of American women, 1910 ; Jane Addams indicts an ancient evil, 1912 ; Walter Weyl on the revolt of the consumer, 1913 ; Herbert Croly on unionism and the national interest, 1909 ; Samuel Gompers testifies on the needs of labor, 1913 -- pt. 3: Bossism and political reform. William Allen White on the boss system, 1910 ; David Graham Phillips attacks a national boss, 1906 ; Lincoln Steffens reports La Follette's reforms, 1906 ; Theodore Roosevelt on the new nationalism, 1910 ; The Progressive Party platform of 1912 ; William Allen White on the revival of democracy, 1910 ; Herbert Croly on the techniques of democracy, 1915 -- pt. 4: The trusts and big business. Theodore Roosevelt on the great corporations, 1901 ; John Marshall Harlan in the Northern Securities case, 1904 ; Robert M. La Follette pleads for railroad regulation, 1906 ; Woodrow Wilson calls for tariff revision, 1913 ; Woodrow Wilson assails the tariff lobby, 1913 ; The Pujo Committee on the money trust, 1913 ; Louis D. Brandeis on the uses of other people's money, 1914 ; Woodrow Wilson on the meaning of the new freedom, 1912 ; Walter Lippmann analyzes the anti-trust ideal, 1914.
A collection of documents from the Progressive Movement, loosely divided into four categories: The Muckrakers; Social & Moral Issues; Bossism & Political Reform; The Trusts & Big Business. Each author is briefly profiled, and background information is given about his or her document.
1865-1918--United States Sources--United States--1865-1933