Raasch, Sara

Fate of magic The fate of magic Sara Raasch and Beth Revis - Naperville, Illinois Sourcebooks Fire 2024 - 306 pages 24 cm. - Witch & Hunter duology 2 .

"Fritzi is a champion. After escaping the clutches of Dieter Kirch, the sadistic leader of the witch hunters, Fritzi and Otto have taken refuge among the witches of the Black Forest. Fritzi is finally ready to assume her place on the council as the coven's goddess-chosen champion. Plagued by distrust and self-doubt, Fritzi throws herself into her duty to serve the goddesses... until she uncovers a powerful secret that could mean the very undoing of magic itself. Otto is a warrior. He swears himself to Fritzi as her bonded protector, certain the peaceful unity of a witch and hunter will heal the wounds he helped make. But as the horrifying plot that threatens the Black Forest's magic comes to light, Otto will have to face his both his past and what it means to bind himself to a magic he does not fully understand. Shadows loom. Truths are revealed. And as dangers new and old arise, Fritzi and Otto must stand together against everything that threatens magic--even if the biggest threat might be the very bond they share"--

9781728277554 1728277558

Witches--Juvenile fiction.
Hunters--Juvenile fiction.
Magic--Juvenile fiction.
Secrecy--Juvenile fiction.
Young adult fiction.
Roman pour jeunes adultes.

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