Johansen, Iris

Shattered mirror Iris Johansen - First edition. - New York St. Martin's Press 2018 - 339 pages 25 cm - An Eve Duncan novel .

Eve Duncan receives a package containing a skull-- and instructions for Eve to do her work reconstructing it. When she does, a beautiful woman's face emerges. But when Eve is introduced to the dead woman's mirror image, a game is on where her twin's life hangs in the balance.

1250075866 9781250075932


Duncan, Eve (Fictitious character) --Fiction.

Facial reconstruction (Anthropology)--Fiction.
Women sculptors--Fiction.
Fiction--Mystery & Detective--Women Sleuths.
Detective and mystery stories
Suspense fiction
Mystery fiction.
Adventure fiction.

PS3560.O275 / S532 2018

Joh 2