Breathing tokens
Carl Sandburg ; Edited by Margaret Sandburg
- First edition
- New York Harcourt Barce Jovan 1978
- 177 p.
Nocturnes and Sketches Portraits Dune Reflections Mountain Echoes A Wanted Child is Born
Journal note long ago- White dancer- Nocturne I- Bronzed grackles- Journey and oath- Others- Sand writing- I know they sleep well- From an Illinois prairie hut- Louis Mayer's ice pictures- You and a sickle moon- Prayer for the child maragaret who is six- Death is a dream woman- Nocturne II- Evening Landscapes in your eyes- Dawn-shot- Chinese Letters or Korean- Writiings left by a guitar player who wished to live one more winter- Any blue-jay knows how- only names- Shooting stars can sing- Commuter Pioneers- Sunday Afternoon or Theorems in White- Heaven is a valley of cool timber- River town equations- Shasta transcriptions- Valley of bitter tears- Night will come agian- Study in mountain copper- Mule- Aztecs- Sea Music- The sag To a poet- An old woman- Letter to Paula from a hill near croton- Marny- Portrait of a colyumnist- Isadora Duncan- Sojourner truth speaking- Mr. Lincoln and his gloves Pottawattamie mask- Cornshock in October- Poplars- White wings- Be proud if you want to- Sun Music- Hemstitches- Bumble Bee Days- Night stars over the timberline- Horn moon- Alexandr Flootenflirst crosses the Monongahela River at daybreak lost in meditation on time being made of moments- Buns and Gardenias- Floodlights- Franciscan- Bribery- Studies in green blinds- Cages- High class buns- Each its own world- Moonsheen- You have chosen- Florence ayscough translates a chinese poem- Whangpoo bittersweet- Effects in hard metal- Who knows?- Let winter come- The trees wait- Free winds- Early in the morning- Being born is important- Leavetaking- Mister Altgeld- Walls of rooms- Let the years go softley enough- Young Brother- Two commentaries on Humpty Dumpty- Amberdamber- Jones- Nearer than any mother's heart wishes Remembers- Seven impressions- Dixie Flyer- Bird Cries and Burnt Flowers- Cold May night- Malinda- Old star and younger- Pasture corner- Bird Haunted- A wanted child is born- Good babies make good poems- Advice to a rare sweet child- Zinnia Sonata- Sky promises- Different moons for different children- Second sonata for Karlen Paula- Loon- Name on the air- Instuctions to whatever gardens- Accept your face with Serious thanks- Pastoral- Bubble- Poppy Leaf- How long ago was all this?- Galuppi- Mr. Blake's Chariots- Even Shakespeare- Study in rock color- Topstone- Fingal- Wild thornapple tree- On windy thursday evenings- There are great loves- Concerto fragment- Guessers- Evidence as to a she devil- contemplation basket- If--We are met up- Thistledown and Brass- When war is in their hearts- Chapters