Zuni: the art and the people vol. 1
Barbara Bell
- Grants, N.M. Squaw Bell Traders 1975-
Vol 1: Albert and Dolly Banteah Fred Bowannie Lula Bowannie Oliver and Angela Cellion George Haloo Chechee Sam and Lita Delena Larry and Lorinda Dickson Denis and Nancy Edaakie Lorretta and Seff Eriacho Lucy Gchachu Harlan and Naneen Hattie Sidney Hooie Horace Iule Lupe and Robert Iule Phillip Iule Vincent Johnson Suellen Kallestews Lavina Kaskalla Rose Lahu Edison Laselute Lena Lalio Nora Leekity Roger Leekya Leonard and Edith Lonjose John Lucio Chester Mahooty Veronica Nastacio Shirley Natewa Augustine Panteah Qunicy Panteah Claudine Penketewa Rosalie Pinto Charlie and Mary Ann Poncho Dickie and Amy Quandelancy Marie Qualo Bonnie Quam Andrew Quam Adeline L. Sanchez Thomasine Shack Chauncey Simplicio Isabelle Simplicio Marietta Soseeah Stephen and Louise Suitza Roosevelt and Bernice Tekala Mary Tsikewa Myra Tucson Bryant Waatsa Maxine Wato Tom Weahkee Eleanor Weeka Lee and Mary Weebothee Jack Weekooty Lolita Wyaco Dorson Zunie Joe Zunie William and Geneva Zunie