Kit Carson The Happy Warrior of the Old West
Stanley Vestal
- New York Houghton Mifflin Company 1928
- xii, 297 p.
- The Riverside library. .
Maps on endpapers.
Greenhorn. The runaway ; The trail to Santa Fe ; Taos and the trail -- Mountain man. The first trap ; Kit Carson, trapper ; Free trapper ; Fandango ; Blackfoot scrape ; Captain Kit Carson ; The Arapaho girl ; The prettiest fight ; Kit Carson's luck ; Hell's full of high silk hats -- Plainsman. The Carson men ; The Cheyenne woman -- Pathfinder. Josefa ; The Spanish trail ; Klamath Lake -- Soldier. San Pasqual -- Rancher. The last trap. -- Indian Agent. Father Kit's hat -- Patriot. The Civil War -- Peacemaker. Adobe Walls ; The last smoke.