The memoirs of Field-Marshal The Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, K.G. /
Bernard Law Montgomery
- New York World Publishing Company 1958
- 508 p.
Boyhood days -- My early life in the army -- Between the wars -- Britain goes to war in 1939 -- Army in England after Dunkirk -- My doctrine of command -- Eighth army -- Battle of Alam Halfa -- Battle of Alamein -- Alamein to Tunis -- Campaign in Sicily -- Campaign in Italy -- IN England before D-Day -- Battle of Normandy -- Allied strategy north of the Seine -- Battle of Arnhem -- Prelude to the Ardennes -- Battle of the Ardennes -- End of the war in Europe -- German surrender -- Some thouights on high command in war -- Control of post-war Germany : First steps -- Difficulties with the Russians begin -- Struggle to rehabilitate Germany -- Last days in Germany -- Prelude to Whitehall -- Beginnings in Whitehall -- OVerseas tours in 1947 -- Storm clouds over Palestine -- I make myself a nuisance in Whitehall -- Beginnings of defence co-operation in Europe -- Unity of the WEst -- Second thoughts.
Montgomery, Bernard Law, Viscount Montgomery of Alamein 1887-1976