Abuelitos : stories of the Rio Puerco Valley. Collected and Edited by Nasario Garcia - Albuquerque, New Mexico University of New Mexico 1992 - 310 p.

Includes Index

The rancher's life ; The kidding season / Eduardo Valdez --
I've lost my rights / Damiano Romero --
The dam burned down / Andres Griego --
Don Teodoro Garcia ; He just grabbed the whip / Eduardo Valdez --
The pachuca / Salomon "Sal" Lovato --
He cut off his hand ; The cow pulled off his saddle ; Corn liquor / Nasario Garcia --
A terrible beating / Samuel Cordova --
They would bury the rooster alive / Edumenio "Ed" Lovato --
They startled him / Benjamin "Benny" Lucero --
You've eaten all the bizcochitos! / Salomon "Sal" Lovato --
We were just kids / Eduardo Valdez --
Ladies' choice ; There goes the ball! / Salomon "Sal" Lovato --
Fire! / Samuel Cordova --
Why don't you put the Santos out to hoe? / Salomon "Sal" Lovato --
It rained something terrible / Edumenio "Ed" Lovato --
The priest didn't want my five dollars / Salomon "Sal" Lovato.

Very nice! / Perfilia Cordova --
What grew there, grew very well / Antonita Valdez de Leyba --
Broke, but dancing up a storm! / Teodorita Garcia-Ruelas --
I know I lived very comfortably / Taida Sanchez-Garcia --
We had some very good times / Elfides Baca --
God blessed us with the food we had / Adelita Gonzales --
Out of envy they do evil things to you ; The evil eye / Lucinda Atencio --
Evil eye this and evil eye that / Edumenio "Ed" Lovato --
Bewitched / Lucinda Atencio --
The doll ; The "Nene" / Samuel Cordova --
Something is headed our way / Benjamin "Benny" Lucero --
A light went by / Edumenio "Ed" Lovato --
An enchanted place ; Who knows what it is! / Samuel Cordova --
Witches / Damiano Romero --
More witches! ; So he was a witch! / Samuel Cordova --
A witch pumpkin / Bences Gabaldon --
That woman is a witch / Teodorita Garcia-Ruelas --
The wailing woman / Adelita Gonzales --
The wailing woman / Damiano Romero --
The wailing woman / Salomon "Sal" Lovato.

The prince and princess / Adelita Gonzales --
Genoveva / Eduardo Valdez --
Lucinda / Adelita Gonzales --
The baby Jesus / Bences Gabaldon --
The miracle of the Santo Nino / Edumenio "Ed" Lovato --
Faith in God was all we had ; Mocking the Penitente Brothers / Inesita Marez-Tafoya --
Women don't have breasts for nothing ; The pigeon ox and the frog mare ; The king's little tin can ; The three riddles / Eduardo Valdez.

Abuelitos contains stories of daily life in the Spanish Vernacular, retaining the archaic and regional variations and accompanied by English translations. Here are more oral histories of the ranching/farming life, of superstition and religion, and of the struggle to survive in a harsh land. This volume has more stories by women about their activities as providers of food and clothin. Also included are several tales that correspond to Angl0-European fairy tales. They all contribute to a vivid picture of an almost forgotten segment of Hispanic culture.


Mexican Americans--Social life--Puerco River Valley
Social life and customs--New Mexico

978.9 Abu 48