The Far West and the Rockies Historical Series Journals of Forty-niners Salt Lake to Los Angeles Volume 2
Journals of Forty-niners Salt Lake to Los Angeles
Edited by LeRoy R. Hafen and Ann W. Hafen
- Glendale, CA Arthur H. Clark Company 1960
- 333 p. includes 1 map attached at back of book
- Far West and Rockies Historical Series Volume 2 .
A journal speaks -- Preface -- Foreword to the Forty-niners journals' supplement -- The first company of packers. Charles V. Stuart's trip -- Statement of W.C. Randolph -- Account by Judge H.S. Brown -- The Gruwell-Derr wagon train. Jacob Gruwell's report to Hayes -- Mr. Shearer's journal -- Pearson's recollections -- Travelers with Hunt's wagon train. Dr. C.N. Ormsby's letter -- Lewis Granger's letter -- Leonard Babcock's recollections -- Letter of W.B. Lorton -- Additional account of the Pomeroy train. The Hamelin journal -- The Huffaker train. The Thomas Kealy letter -- Moody's reminiscent account -- Journal of Albert K. Thurber -- General index to the series.
Diaries and contemporary records of Sheldon Young, James S. Brown, Jacob Y. Stover, Charles C. Rich, Addison Pratt, Howard Egan, Henry W. Bigler, and others.