Stewart, Gail frey50 The death penalty Gail B. Stewart. - San Diego, Calif. : Greenhaven Press, c1998. - 96 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - Opposing viewpoints digests . Includes bibliographical references (p. 88-92) and index. Reviews opposing arguments regarding the death penalty, including whether or not it is just, deters murder, and is applied fairly. ISBN: 1565107454 (lib. : alk. paper) 1565107446 (pbk. : alk. paper) LCCN: 97047685 Subjects--Topical Terms: Capital punishment--Moral and ethical aspects--United States--Juvenile literature.Discrimination in capital punishment--United States--Juvenile literature.Capital punishment. LC Class. No.: HV8699.U5 / S75 1998 Dewey Class. No.: 364.66