Brujas, Bultos, y Brasas tales of witchcraft and the supernatural in the Pecos Valley
Tales of witchcraft and the supernatural in the Pecos Valley
- 1st ed.
- Santa Fe, N.M. Western Edge Press c1999.
- xii, 220 p. ill., maps, ports. ; 22 cm.
Espíritus malos = Evil spirits ; ¡Son las brujas de Villanueva! = They're the witches from Villanueva! / Pablo Aguilar Tecolotes = Owls / Anita U. Baca Un hombre en un burrito blanco = A man on a little white donkey ; Una señora vistida de amarillo = A woman dressed in yellow ; ¡Tan linda! = So beautiful ; Vieron ir una brasa = They saw a fireball go by / Celia Benavídez No pescaron la bruja = The didn't catch the witch ; Iba la cabra volando = The goat was flying / Isidora M. Flores Entierros = Buried treasures ; Amaneció una mujer muerta = A woman was found dead / Fortunato G. Gallegos Metían miedo los viejos = The old folks would scare you / Isabel Gallegos Tenía la viejita un chivato = The little old lady had a billy goat / Josephine M. Gallegos Supersticiones = Superstitions ; El hijo malcricao = The disobedient son ; A mí me han hecho tantos males = I've been bewitched so many times ; El mono de puro cabello = The doll made of pure hair / Lala Gallegos Esta muchacha bonita = This beautiful girl ; Volaban brasas = Sparks flew all over the place / Pedro V. Gallegos Relatos cortitos = Short little narratives ; Él nomás platicaba con su gato = He only talked to his cat ; Las dos eran brujas = The two were witches La llorona = The wailing woman ; Se acabó la llorona = That was the end of the wailing woman ; Se había agarrao con el diablo = He had tangled with the devil ; Vi como bultos = I saw what looked like ghosts / Valerio Garcia Vieron un arbolario = They consulted and herbalist ; Lloró un coyote = A coyote howled ; Se murió de mal ojo = She died from the evil eye / Emelinda Gonzales Vamos a subirnos todos en el burro = Let's all hop on the donkey ; Un agüelo = A bogeyman / Filomena M. Gonzales No tenía cara = It did'nt have a face ; Salía el agüelo todas las noches = The bogeyman would come out every night / Rosenda Gonzales Les habían hecho mal = Someone bewitched them / Isidoro V. Lucero, Jr Era de estos mujereros = He was one of these womanizers / Rosavé M. Lucero Vide yo la lucecita = I saw the shiny little light / Antonia A. Ortiz Una manzana atrás dél = An apple was chasing him ; A mí me hicieron ojo en el cabello = Someone cast a spell on my hair ; El empacho = Indigestion / Clara S. Ortiz Se llendaba de greñas el plato = The plate would fill up with hair ; Se le caiban los dedos de los pies = Her toes would fall off / Petrita Ortiz San Antonio es muy milagroso = Saint Anthony is a miracle maker / José B. Quintana Iban las brujas brincando = The witches were jumping about / Martina L. Sánchez El ojo = The evil eye ; El dinero hace ruido = Money makes noise ; Diablo sí hay! = There is a devil! / Endalecio P. Sena Perdió los ojos = She lost her eyesight ; Se aprontada el diablo = The devil would suddenly appear / Nobertita Tafoya y Padilla A m' hija le hicieron ojo = My daughter got the evil eye ; Me habían hecho mal en el duranzo = Someone had bewitched my peaches / Viviana Tapia Le vido los cuernos y la cola = He saw that he had horns and a tail ; Te va llevar el diablo = The devil's going to take you away ; Un lugar encantao = An enchanted place / Carmel Ulibarrí Un léon = A lion ; El lugar estaba encantao = The place was enchanted / Crisóstomo Vigil
Northern New Mexico holds a living tradition and folklore dealing with witchcraft that is beginning to die out as the older generations pass away. The author has compiled 150 firsthand accounts of supernatural experiences and traditional stories from the people of the Pecos Valley. The text is bilingual in Spanish and English with glossaries of regional Spanish words and supernatural terms
Hispanic Americans--Folklore.--New Mexico Tales--Pecos River Valley (N.M. and Tex.) Witches--Pecos River Valley (N.M. and Tex.)