Lamb, Harold

Genghis Khan: The Emperor of All Men / Harold Lamb - Garden City, New York Doubleday & Company, Inc. 1927 - 270 p.

The desert --
The struggle to live --
The battle of the carts --
Temujin and the torrents --
When the standard stood on Gupta --
Prester John dies --
The Yassa --
Cathay --
The golden emperor --
The return of the Mongols --
Karakorum --
The sword-arm of Islam --
The march westward --
The first campaign --
Bokhara --
The ride of the Orkhons --
Genghis Khan goes hunting --
The golden throne of Tuli --
The road makers --
The battle on the Indus --
The court of the Paladins --
The end of the task --
The massacres --
The laws of Genghis Khan --
Prester John of Asia --
The numerical strength of the Mongol horde --
The Mongol plan of invasion --
Subotai Bahadur vs. Middle Europe --
What Europe thought of the Mongols --
Correspondence between the European monarchs and the Mongols --
The grandson of Genghis Khan in the Holy Land --
Ye Liu Chutsai, the sage of Cathay --
Ogotai and his treasure --
The last court of the nomads.

Seven hundred years ago a man almost conquered the earth. He made himself master of half the known world, and inspired humankind with a fear that lasted for generations. In the course of his life he was given many names-the Mighty Manslayer, the Scourge of God, the Perfect Warrior, and The Master of Thrones and Crowns. He is better known to us as Genghis Khan.


Genghis Khan 1162-1227

Mongols History.

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