French revolution a history by Thomas Carlyle; Introduction by Julian Hawthorne
- New York P.F.Collier & Son 1900
- 414 p.
- World's Greatest Literature .
pt. I. The Bastille. Death of Louis XV: Louis the well-beloved ; Realized ideals ; Viaticum ; Louis the unforgotten -- The paper age: Astraea redux ; Petition in hieroglyphs ; Questionable ; Maurepas ; Astraea redux without cash ; Windbags ; Contrat social ; Printed paper -- The Parlement of Paris: Dishonoured bills ; Controller Calonne ; The notables ; Lomenie's edicts ; Lomenie's thunderbolts ; Lomenie's plots ; Internecine ; Lomenie's death-throes ; Burial with bonfire -- States-general: The notables again ; The election ; Grown electric ; The procession -- The third estate: Inertia ; Mercury de Breze ; Broglie the war-god ; To arms! ; Give us arms ; Storm and victory ; Not a revolt ; Conquering your king ; The lanterne -- Consolidation: Make the constitution ; The constituent assembly ; The general overturn ; In queue ; The fourth estate -- The insurrection of women: Patrollotism ; O Richard, o my king ; Black cockades ; The menads ; Usher Maillard ; To Versailles ; At Versailles ; The equal diet ; Lafayette ; The grand entries ; From Versailles --
--France-- 1789-1799--History Revolution-- 1789-1799--History Louis XVI--1774-1793