A hole in the mountain: The story of Carlsbad Caverns / Print
Mabel Otis Robison
- New York Dodd, Mead & Co. 1966
- 127 p. Illustrated with black and white photographs. Hardback book.
Includes bibliography and index.
This is the story of how Jim White, a cowboy, descended into the caves at Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico, attracted by a tremendous flight of bats. Jim White, under the spell of the caves, spent his life trying to interest the world and he succeeded when the area became a national park. Illustrated with many black and white photographs, including some of the earliest taken of the Caverns.
Jim White - Cowboy and explorer.
Carlsbad Caverns - Juvenile literature. Carlsbad, New Mexico. --Carlsbad Caverns - History - Juvenile literature.