Noyes, Alfred frey50

Collected Poems by Alfred Noyes - New York Frederick A. Stokes Company 1913 - 426 p. - Collected poems 3 Vol. 1 .

3 volumes : 1 plate (frontispiece, volumes 1) ; 20 cm Contents: v. 1. The flowers of Old Japan ; The progress of love ; The forest of wild thyme ; Drake -- v. 2. The enchanted island ; Sherwood ; Tales of the mermaid tavern ; New poems -- v. 3. The lord of Misrule ; Tales of the mermaid tavern ; The wine-press ; The search-lights ; A Belgian Christmas eve ; A salute from the fleet.

v. 1. The flowers of Old Japan ; The progress of love ; The forest of wild thyme ; Drake --


821 Noy 14