Epstein, Dwayne

Adam Sandler by Dwayne Epstein - San Diego : Lucent Books, c2004. - 112 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - People in the news .

1. Stan and Judy's kid -- 2. They're all gonna laugh at you! -- 3. Live from New York -- 4. Team Sandler -- 5. Adam Sandler, superstar -- 6. Changes.

Describes the private life and professional career of actor-comedian Adam Sandler, who achieved popularity on the Saturday Night Live series.

Grade level : 7 - 9

1590184475 (alk. paper)


Sandler, Adam Juvenile Literature
Sandler, Adam.

Actors Juvenile Literature --Biography--United States
Actors and actresses.

j791.43028092 Eps 27