Horse tales
edited by June Crebbin ; illustrated by Inga Moore.
- 1st U.S. ed.
- Cambridge, MA : Candlewick Press, 2005.
- p. cm.
The orange pony / Wendy Douthwaite -- The snow pony / Alison Lester -- Bucephalus: a king's horse / Alice Gall & Fleming H. Crew -- The mud pony / retold by Caron Lee Cohen -- The gift horse / June Crebbin -- The Christmas pony / Lincoln Steffens -- War horse / Michael Morpurgo -- Black Beauty / Anna Sewell -- I rode a horse of milk white jade / Diane Lee Wilson -- Misty of Chincoteague / Marguerite Henry -- Pony in the dark / K.M. Peyton -- Unicorn / Peter Dickinson -- Chestnut gray / retold by Helen Cooper -- The gray palfrey / retold by Barbara Leonie Pickard.
Saddle up, take the reins, and prepare for an exhilarating ride through this field of horse tales! Here you'll find difficult horses and dream ponies, ponies in danger, and horses that ride to the rescue. June Crebbin's collection of fourteen stories draws on a wide range of places, times, and cultures: there are tales from Ancient Greece, fourteenth-century Mongolia, and France in the Middle Ages; traditional tales from Russia and Native America; and stories from the present day, too. The horses and ponies themselves are equally diverse — of all colors and characters — each magnificently rendered by award-winning artist Inga Moore
0763626570 (alk. paper)
Horses--Juvenile fiction. Children's stories, American. Children's stories, English. Short stories.