The collapse of the Third Republic an inquiry into the fall of France in 1940
William L. Shirer
- New York Simon & Schuster 1969
- 1082 p
Foreword -- Prologue -- Debacle! summer 1940 -- Book One: The rise of the Third Republic, 1871-1919 -- A freakish birth and early growing pains 1871-1891 -- The Dreyfus affair 1894-1906 -- The consolidation of the Republic 1880-1914 -- Classes and conflict 1875-1914 -- The permanent political crisis 1875-1914 -- The achievements of the Third Republic 1875-1914 -- The coming of the first world war 1905-1914 -- The Third Republic's finest hour 1914-1918 -- Book Two: Illusions and realities of victory, 1919-1934 -- Victorious France: "the greatest power in Europe" 1919-1931 -- Decline I: political and financial chaos, and the Poincaré recovery 1924-1930 -- Decline II: the erosion of military power 1925-1934 -- Decline III: the world depression shakes the Third Republic 1931-1934 -- Book Three: The last years of the Republic, 1934-1939 -- A fateful turning point February 6, 1934 -- Aftermath: widening of the gulf 1934-1936 -- Coup in the Rhineland: the last chance to stop Hitler and avert a major war March 1936 -- France further divided, the front populaire and the Spanish Civil War 1936-1937 -- Dissension and disarray: France and the anschluss March 1938 -- The road to Munich I: April 27-September 13, 1938 -- The road to Munich II: September 15-28, 1938 -- The conference at Munich September 29-30, 1938 -- The turn of Poland 1939 -- A summer's interlude in Paris May-July 1939 -- The talks with Russia Summer 1939 -- The launching of World War II September 1-3, 1939 -- Book Four: The war and the defeat, 1939-1940 -- La Dróle de Guerre September 3, 1939-April 9, 1940 -- On the eve: the war in Norway, the threat to Belgium and the crisis in Paris Spring 1940 -- The battle of France I: The armies close in May 10-15, 1940 -- The battle of France II: disaster at Sedan, the breakthrough at the Meuse May 13-16, 1940 -- The battle of France III: disaster in Flanders and the surrender of Belgium May 16-June 4, 1940 -- The fall of Paris June 5-14, 1940 -- The flight to Bordeaux June 11-14, 1940 -- The agony of Bordeaux, the fall of Reynaud, Pétain takes over June 14-16, 1940 -- Armistice! June 17-29, 1940 -- Book Five: The collapse of the Third Republic -- The end at Vichy June-July 1940 -- Epilogue.
After setting the stage with a look at the founding of the Republic in 1871, describes the political, social, and religious divisions in the country, the "Maginot Line complex" growing out of military trust in a defensive war, and the deleterious effect of the tragedy of World War I.