Ada Bandy honored on her 86th birthday - Raton, New Mexico Raton Range June 12, 1987 - 1p Newspaper Article

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Newspaper Article on the 86th birthday of Ada Bandy.

Bandy, Ada Lois Floyd
Bandy, Robert L.
Floyd, Henry
Floyd, (Mrs.)
Bandy, Joyce
Farnsworth, Robert
Farnsworth, Alice
Rothaus, Jack
Rothaus, Johnnie Mae
Bandy, Darrell
Thompson, Lottie
Thompson, Bill
Floyd, Thomas
Floyd, Josephine
Floyd, John
Floyd, Maude
Buhr, Marianna Floyd
Buhr, Bob

Raton High School
First United Methodist Church

Local History
Life and Customs

Raton, New Mexico
Amarillo, Texas
Denver, Colorado
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Springer, New Mexico
Branson, Colorado

New Mexico - Cities & Towns - Raton - Biography Birthdays 36