Flour Mills for Sale Stoller brothers recall 'good old days in Raton'
- Raton, New Mexico Raton Range
- 2 p Newspaper Article 5 digital pages
- Raton Range .
Master list item #: 30
File location is in the Raton file Cabinet
Newspaper article + Photographs of Glenn E. Stoller, Harold Stoller Sr., and Raton Flour Mills Company
This article is about the closing of the Raton Flour Mill from the manager Glenn Stoller and his brother Harold's words.
Stoller, Glenn E. Stoller, Harold Sr. Stoller, Theo Stoller, Dessie
Raton Flour Mills Company Kiwanis Club Troy Estate Elks Club
Business History Local Business Flour Mills Poultry Feed Cattle Feed
Old Raton Pass 545 Rio Grande Avenue Johnsons Mesa Grant Avenue
New Mexico - Cities and Towns - Raton - Business 36