Trujillos here for 50th - Raton, New Mexico Raton Range May 23, 1982 - 1 p Newspaper Article

Master list item #: 54

File location is in the Raton File Cabinet

Newspaper Article on the 50th Anniversary of Nasario and Annie Trujillo.

Trujillo, Nasario
Trujillo, Annie
Medina, Isabel
Sylvester, Rosie
Garcia, Ida
Trujillo, N.F. (Sonny)
Sedillo, Lucy
Grando, Patsy
Trujillo, Lawrence
Kummer, Theresa
Bruno, Roberta
Trujillo, Tony

St. Joseph's Catholic Church

Local History
Life and Customs

Raton, New Mexico
Richmond, California
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Cimarron, New Mexico
Fairfield, California
Martinez, California

New Mexico - Cities & Towns - Raton - Biography Anniversaries 36