English History, Poetry and Prose Western Europe Vol. 8 (of 10) World Progress Volume ViII - Chicago Delphian 1913 - 502 p. - The Delphian Course Vol. VIII .

With illustrative texts from masterpieces of Egyptian, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Modern European and American Literature.
Fully Illustrated.

v. 1. Land of pyramids. Babylonia and her neighbors.--
v. 2. Hebrew literature. Greek mythology, life and art.--
v. 3. Greek drama, philosophy and literature. The story of Rome.--
v. 4. Roman social life and literature. Age of chivalry.--
v. 5. Medieval stories. History of music. Conduct of life.--
v. 6. The renaissance. Education. Art of conversation. Modern Italy.--
v. 7. Story of the drama. Nature study.--
v. 8. English history, poetry and prose. Western Europe.--
v. 9. History of art. Art galleries and museums. Modern fiction.--
v. 10. American history, art, literature, poetry and fiction. Expositions.--
v. 11. Reading outlines. Resume of English history -- English Poetry --Germany


-- history.--History

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