Pickover, Clifford A.

loom of God tapestries of mathematics and mysticism The loom of God Clifford A. Pickover - New York Sterling 2009. - 287 p. ill. ; 24 cm.

Notes to the paperback edition
1. Are numbers Gods?
2. The end of the world
3. Pentagonal numbers
4. Doomsday: Friday, 13 November, A.D. 2026
5. 666,666, Gnomons, and oblong numbers
6. St. Augustine numbers
7. Perfection
8. Turks and Christians
9. The Ars Magna of Ramon Lull
10. Death Stars, a prelude to August 21. 2126
11. Stonehenge
12. Urantia and 5,342,482,337,666
13. Fractals and God
14. Behold the fractal Quipu
15. The eye of God
16. Number caves
17. Numerical Gargoyles
18. Astronomical computers in canchal de mahoma
19. Kabala
20. Mathematical proofs of God's existence
21. Eschaton now
22. Epilogue
Postscript 1. Goedel's mathematical proof of the existence of God
Postscript 2. Mathematicians who were religious
Postscript 3. Some mind-boggling terminology
Author's musings
Smorgasbord for computer junkies
About the author

In a lively, intelligent synthesis of math, mysticism, and science fiction, Clifford Pick over explains the eternal magic of numbers

9781402764004 (pbk.) 1402764006 (pbk.)

Religion and science.

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