Pernick, Martin S. frey50

The black stork: Eugincs and the death of "defective" babies in American medicine and motion pictures since 1915. Print Martin S. Pernick. - New York Oxford University Press 1996 - 295 p. Hardback.

"The Black Stork" is a most frightening tale of medicine run amok. Martin Pernick's narrative of Dr. Harry J. Haiselden's fin-de-siecle crusade in the late 1910's for the euthanasia of 'defective' children is a tale of the tangled path way of science in its pursuit of social ends. Haiselden's eugenic fantasy was a perfect race of 'undamaged' humans. Since these questions have arisen in more sophisticated form with the knowledge achieved daily through the human genome project, Pernick's narrative is a strong warning abou tthe slippery slope of determining what life is worth living.


Eugenics - Medicine - United States- 20th century.--Euthanasia - Medicine - Defective children - United States - 20th century.

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