Sieber, Arlyn G. frey50

Warman's coins and paper money : identification and price guide / Arlyn G. Sieber. - 5th ed. - Iola, Wis. : Newton Abbot : Krause ; David & Charles [distributor], 2011. - 288 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm.

"Based on the original work of Allen G. Berman"

Introduction -- United States coins -- United States paper money -- Canadian coins -- Canadian paper money -- Mexican coins -- Mexican paper money -- British coins -- British paper money -- World coins -- World paper money.

More than a listing of coins and currency and their values, this guide explains the history of coinage and the origins of paper money. It includes tips on collecting, and covers everything from the evolution of U.S. coins and currency to the latest issues worldwide.

9781440217289 (pbk.) 1440217289 (pbk.)

Coins--Collectors and collecting.
Paper money--Collectors and collecting.
Paper money--Prices.

R737.4075 Sie 3