Pelzer, David J. frey50

A Child called "it" ; and, the lost boy : one child's courage to survive / Child called "it" ; and, The lost boy Dave Pelzer. - Deerfield Beach, Fla. : Health Communications, c1995. - xii, 294 p. ; 22 cm.

Child called it -- Lost boy.

The unforgettable account of one of the most severe child abuse cases in California history. David Pelzer was brutally beaten and starved by his emotionally unstable, alcoholic mother who played torturous games that left him nearly dead.

0739400614 9780739400616

Pelzer, David J.

Abused children--California--Daly City
Children of alcoholics--California--Daly City
Abusive mothers--Family relationships--California--Daly City.
Family violence--California--Daly City.
Foster home care--California.

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