Still foolin' 'em : where I've been, where I'm going, and where the hell are my keys? /
Still fooling them
Billy Crystal.
- Large Print edition.
- Detroit Gale Cengage Learning 2013
- 432 pages (large print) : illustrations ; 23 cm.
- Thorndike Press large print biography .
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65 is not 60 -- I worry -- Sex -- Growing up Crystal -- Count to ten -- My twenties -- The elbow -- Take care of your teeth -- My thirties -- The five stages of forgetting things -- Conservative -- Iron balls : my forties -- Kiss me twice -- Still foolin' 'em -- My fifties -- Grandpa -- Celebrate your birthdays -- Let him go -- Can't take it with you -- Buying the plot.
Billy Crystal is turning 65, and he's not happy about it. With his trademark wit and heart, he outlines the absurdities and challenges that come with growing old. In chapters like "Buying the Plot" and "Nodding Off," Crystal not only catalogs his gripes, but offers a road map to his 77 million fellow baby boomers arriving at this milestone age. As wise and poignant as they are funny, Crystal's reflections are an unforgettable look at an extraordinary life well lived.