Most, Bernard.

The cow that went oink / by Bernard Most. - 1st Voyager Books ed. - San Diego, Calif. : Voyager Books/Harcourt, Inc., 2003. - 1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations ; 26 x 21 cm - Mind in the Making .

Mind in the making : Communicating

A cow that oinks and a pig that moos are ridiculed by the other barnyard animals until each teaches the other a new sound.

0152047638 9780152047634 9780329346737 0329346733 9781413180626 1413180620 0606294392 9780606294393 0613704959 9780613704953

Animal sounds--Juvenile fiction.
Domestic animals--Juvenile fiction.

PZ7.M8544 / Co 1990

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