Gottschalk, Louis R.

The era of the French Revolution(1715-1815) Louis R. Gottschalk - Boston Houghton Mifflin Company 1929 - 509 p

"This book is based upon the six booklets covering the same field of history that were published by the author between 1923 and 1925"--Preface.

Dissatisfaction and reform --
The ancient regime --
Government under the ancient regime --
Society under the ancient regime --
The political philosophy of the eighteenth century --
Staving off the revolution --
The fall of the monarchy --
The estates general become the national assembly --
The people prevent counter-revolution --
The triumph of the bourgeoisie --
The counter-revolution --
Constitutional monarchy fails --
The first French republic --
The Girondin supremacy in the convention --
The Jacobin supremacy in the convention --
The Thermidorian reaction --
The directory --
Stabilization and reaction --
The rise of Napoleon Bonaparte --
Napoleon Bonaparte becomes master of France --
Napoleon Bonaparte becomes monarch of France --
Crystallization of the revolution --
Napoleon becomes master in Europe --
Defeat and reaction --
The continental system --
Liberation, abdication and restoration --
Restoration and reaction in Europe --
The hundred days.


Napoleon I, Emperor of the French 1769-1821

--France --France--Revolution, 1789-1799
Consulate and First Empire--France--1799-1815

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