Craftsman Glass
- Raton, NM Raton Range August 28, 1992
- 1 p Newspaper Article
- Raton Range August 28, 1992 Hometown Heritage .
Master list item #: 45
File location is in the Raton file Cabinet
Newspaper article + photograph of Ray Castellini, Albert Castellini, Richar Rascon, Paul Johnston, George Grubelnick, Linda Romero and Louie Castellini.
Article Spotlight on Raton's Family Owned Businesses and a brief history of how it started.
Cummings, Don Castellini, Ray Castellini, Albert Rascon, Richard Johnston, Paul Grubelnick, George Romero, Linda Castellini, Louie
Craftsman Glass National Glass Association
Auto Glass Technicians Custom Glass Hardware Supplies Local Business Family Owned Business Frames
Raton, New Mexico
New Mexico - Cities and Towns - Raton - Business 36