Color and beyond
Color and beyond Ann Templeton
Eugene L. Mendonsa Ph. D ; photography by Ann Templeton
- Albuquerque, NM Fresco Fine Art Publications 2007
- xiii, 161 pages illustrations (chiefly color) ; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction -- Why paint? -- How many paintings till I'm good? -- Art and the world around us -- Inspiration and the moment -- Right and left brain thinking -- Some painting terminology -- Four painting styles: abstraction, non-objective, abstract expressionism, impressionism -- Studying with art teachers -- Studying with art teachers -- The concept of the "three bears" in painting -- Are there rules in painting? -- Color -- Some definitions -- The three properties of color -- The three primary colors and gray -- Pigments and color composition -- Relationships to think about -- Color and temperature -- Value: dark and light -- Line -- Shape -- Texture -- A note about black -- Transparent vs. opaque -- half-colors -- An explosion of color -- Recession and aggression in color -- Color harmony -- Color and design -- Playing light -- Pushing color -- Value -- What is value? -- Value and key -- Different approaches to value -- With which value should I begin? -- holding form with value -- Half tones -- Abstraction & non-objective painting -- Abstract, Non-Objective, and Representational art -- The emotion of painting -- Alla Prima and abstraction -- Seeking surprise -- Finding a painting style -- Techniques of simplification -- The impact of drawing on abstraction -- Preparing to paint -- Selecting easels -- Selecting brushes -- Selecting canvases -- Selecting your medium -- Laying out the palette -- Mixing color -- The use of turpentine -- Protecting paint on the palette -- Cleaning brushes -- The painting process -- Your conceptual toolbox -- What should I paint? -- Ten things to think about before painting -- Doing the lay-in -- Thin to thick -- Scumbling -- Glazing -- When is the painting finished? -- Applying the signature -- Varnishing the finished product -- Framing -- Conclusions -- The business of art -- Competitions, awards, and prizes -- Art and spirituality -- Keep moving.
Ann Templeton is proud to announce her new book, Color and Beyond. Unlike her first book, The Art of Ann Templeton: A Step Beyond, which is a collector's item; Color and Beyond is a how-to-paint book, based on her forty-year career as an acclaimed artist and teacher. However, it is also a "step beyond," going deeper into the art of color than is possible in her workshop lectures, organizing her approach to painting an orderly set of concepts and techniques. --