Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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1. The works of Anton Chekhov by Chekhov, Anton frey50 Publication: New York Black's Readers Service Company 1920 . 632 p. Date: 1920 Availability: Items available: [891.783 Che] (1),
2. The works of Gustave Flaubert by Flaubert, Gustave frey50 Publication: New York Black's Readers Service Company 1904 . 636 p. Date: 1904 Availability: Items available: [843 Fla] (1),
3. Works. by Balzac, Honore de frey50 Publication: New York Black's readers service company 1926 . 629 p. Date: 1926 Availability: Items available: [Bal] (1),
4. The works of Alphonse Daudet by Daudet, Alphonse frey50 Publication: Roslyn, New York Black's Readers Service Company 1929 . 637 p. Date: 1929 Availability: Items available: [843.8 Dau] (1),
5. The works of Nathaniel Hawthorne by Hawthorne, Nathaniel Publication: Roslyn, NY Black's Readers Service Company . 635 p Availability: Items available: [Haw] (1),
6. The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini / by Cellini, Benvenuto Publication: Roslyn, New York Black's Readers Service Company 1927 . 403 p. Date: 1927 Availability: Items available: [927.3 Cel] (1),
7. The works of Francis Bacon by Bacon, Francies frey50 Publication: Roslyn, New York Black's Readers Service Company 1932 . 310 p. Date: 1932 Availability: Items available: [824 Bac] (1),
8. The works of Ralph Waldo Emerson by Emerson, R.W. frey50 Publication: Roslyn, New York Black's Readers Service Company . 568 p. Availability: Items available: [810 Eme] (1),