Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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1. Chemistry experiments for children by Mullin, Virginia L. frey50 Publication: New York Dover Publications, Inc. 1962 . 96 p. , Formerly titled Chemistry for children Date: 1962 Availability: Items available: [j540 Mul] (1),
2. Handbook of pictorial symbols by Modley, Rudolf frey50 Publication: New York, NY Dover Publications, Inc., New York 1976 Date: 1976 Availability: Items available: [704.946 Mod] (1),
3. A guide to Jananese prints and their suject matter by Stewart, Basil frey50 Publication: New York Dover Publications, Inc. 1979 . 381 p. , Includes bibliographical references and index. Date: 1979 Availability: Items available: [769.952 Ste] (1),
4. Johann Sebastian Bach by Spitta, Philipp Publication: New York Dover Publications, Inc. 1951 . 656 p. Date: 1951 Availability: Items available: [927.8 Spi] (1),
5. Johann Sebastian Bach by Spitta, Philipp Publication: New York Dover Publications, Inc. 1951 . 419 p. Date: 1951 Availability: Items available: [927.8 Spi] (1),
6. Captured by the indians   Publication: New York Dover Publications, Inc. 1985 . 378 p. , Reprint. Originally published: Scalps and tomahawks. New York : Coward McCann, 1961. Date: 1985 Availability: Items available: [973.0497 Cap] (1),
7. An Encyclopedia of battles: by Eggenberger, David frey50 Publication: New York Dover Publications, Inc 1985 . 533 p. , Includes index and 99 Battle maps Date: 1985 Availability: Items available: [904.7 Egg] (1),
8. Elementary matrix theory / by Eves, Howard frey50 Publication: New York Dover Publications, Inc. 1980 . 325 p. Date: 1980 Availability: Items available: [512.943 Eve] (1),
9. Kwadian by Hearn, Lafcadio frey50 Publication: New York Dover Publications, Inc. 1968 . 113 p. , Includes bibliography Date: 1968 Availability: Items available: [813.4 Hea] (1),
10. The Autobiography of a Winnebago Indian by Radin, Paul Publication: New York Dover Publications, Inc. 1963 . 91 p. , Master list item #: 93 Date: 1963 Availability: No items available:
11. Tall oaks by Whitaker, Chris Publication: Mineola, New York Dover Publications, Inc. 2019 . 361 pages , This Dover edition, first published in 2019, is an unabridged republication of the work originally published in 2016 by Twenty7 Books, an imprint of Bonnier Zaffre, a Bonnier Publishing company, London. 21 cm Date: 2019 Availability: Items available: [Whi] (1),