Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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141. Victory in space / by Binder, Otto O. frey50 Publication: New York Walker & Co., 1962 . xv, 211 p. , Includes Index Date: 1962 Availability: Items available: [j629.4 Bin] (1),
142. Hardy breed by Lutz, Giles A Publication: Garden City, New York Doubleday & Co 1966 . 254 p Date: 1966 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [Lut] (1),
143. Waging peace, 1956-1961 by Eisenhower, Dwight D. Publication: Garden City, New York Doubleday & Co. 1965 . 741 p , Includes Index Date: 1965 Availability: Items available: [973.921 Eis] (1),
144. Apache gold and Yaqui silver by Dobie, Frank J. Publication: Boston Little, Brown, & Co. 1939 . 366 p. Date: 1939 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [979.0049725 Dob] (1),
145. Ceramics and pottery making for everyone by Janeway, Carol frey50 Publication: Tudar Pub. Co. 1950 Date: 1950 Availability: Items available: [738 Jan] (1),
146. The Life of Dylan Thomas by FitzGibbon, Constantin Publication: Boston Little, Brown & Co. 1965 . xi, 370 p. Date: 1965 Availability: Items available: [921 Tho Fit] (1),
147. A hole in the mountain: by Robison, Mabel Otis frey50 Publication: New York Dodd, Mead & Co. 1966 . 127 p. , Includes bibliography and index. Date: 1966 Availability: Items available: [j551.447789 Rob] (1),
148. Kites by Downer, Marion Publication: New York Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Co., Inc. 1962 . 64 p. Date: 1962 Availability: Items available: [j796.1 Dow] (1),
149. Light-Horse Harry: by Gerson, Noel B. Publication: Garden City, New York Doubleday & Co., Inc. 1966 . 257 p. , Includes Bibliography and Index Date: 1966 Availability: Items available: [920 Ger] (1),
150. The avocado pit grower's indoor how-to book by Perper, Hazel frey50 Publication: Wlaker & Co. 1965 Date: 1965 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [634.65 Per] (1),
151. Statue of Liberty enlightening the world / by Gilder, Rodman Publication: New York New York Trust Co. 1943 . 40 p. Date: 1943 Availability: Items available: [974.71Gil] (1),
152. Learning science through cooking. by Davis, Barbara frey50 Publication: New York Sterling Pub. Co., Incorporated. 1964 . 80 p. Date: 1964 Availability: Items available: [j501 Dav] (1),
153. Miracle at Philadelphia: by Bowen, Catherine Drinker Publication: Boston Little, Brown & Co. 1966 . 346 p , Includes Index Date: 1966 Availability: Items available: [ 342.7302 Bow] (1),
154. Handmade in America by Lavine, Sigmund A. frey50 Publication: Dodd, Mead & Co. 1966 Date: 1966 Availability: Items available: [730 Lav] (1),
155. The American Colonies, 1492-1750.. by Jernegan, Marcus Wilson Publication: New York Frederick Ungar Publishing Co. 1963 . 457 p. Date: 1963 Availability: Items available: [973.2 Jer] (1),
156. Musical instruments through the ages by Baines, Anthony, ed. frey50 Publication: New York Walker & Co. 1961 . 344 p. Date: 1961 Availability: Items available: [785 Bai] (1),
157. My love and I together; by Forsee, Aylesa. Publication: Philadelphia, Macrae Smith Co. 1961 . 208 p. 22 cm. Date: 1961 Availability: Items available: [920 For] (1),
158. Helping yourself with E.S.P. by Manning, Al G. (D.D.) frey50 Publication: Parker Pub. Co. 1966 Date: 1966 Availability: Items available: (),
159. At Bertram's hotel by Christie, Agatha Publication: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1965 . 272 p Date: 1965 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [Chr] (1),
160. 13 clues for Miss Marple. by Christie, Agatha Publication: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1966 Date: 1966 Availability: Items available: [Chr] (1),