Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

First Baptist Church, Raton, New Mexico : 1881 - 2006, serving God and our community for 125 years. Print - Raton, NM First Baptist Church (2006?) - 76 p. Index of surnames, unpaged. 8 1/2 " x 11 " pages. Comb-bound, clear plastic covers.

Copies made from an original provided for that purpose by Fred and Sherry Tapia. The original was the property of Henry "Sugar Bear" Tapia.

This is a history of the First Baptist Church in Raton, N.M. from its inception through part of 2006. It is divided into two major sections: "The First Hundred Years (1881 - 1981)"; and "The Next Twenty-Five Years (1981 - 2006)".

Baptist Church --History.
Christian worship --History.

Raton, N.M.--History.

978.922286 Fir 48