Hine, Daryl frey50
The poetry anthology, 1912-1977 Sixty-five years of America's Most Distinguished Verse Magazine Edited by Daryl Hine and Joseph Parisi - Boston, MA Houghton Mufflin Company 1978 - 555 p.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Part 1:1912-1920 ( Volumes 1-16) Part 2: 1920-1930 (Volumes 17-36) Part 3: 1930-1940 (Volumes 37-56) Part 4: 1940-1950 (Volumes 57-76) Part 5: 1950-1960 (Volumes 77-96) Part 6: 1960-1970 (Volumes 97-116) Part 7: 1970-1977 (Volumes 117-131)
Ezra Pound / To whistler, American- William Butler Yeats / Fallen majesty- Vachel Lindsay / General William Booth enters into Heaven- H.D. / Epigram- Witter Bynner / Grieve not for beauty- Ezra Pound / From contemporania Tenzone- Francis Thompson / To my friend- Ezra Pound / From Lustra: I. "O helpless few in my country"- III. Further instructions- D.H. Lawrence / Green- Illicit- Robert Frost / The code-- heroics- Carl Sandburg- From Chago Poems; Chicago- Sara Teasdale / From love songs; September midnight- Edwin Arlington Robinson / Eros Turannos- William Butler Yeats / To a friend whose work has come to nothing- The magi- Ezra Pound / TO KAAON- James Stephens / Dark wings- D. H. Lawrence / Don Juan- Ezra Pound / The coming of war: Actaeon- H.D. / Moonrise- Amy Lowell / Venus Transiens- Rupert Brooke / Nineteen-fourteen- William Carlos Williams / Slow Movement- Marianne Moore / From Pouters and Fantails- That harp you play so well- T.S. Eliot / The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock- Harriet Monroe / The pine at Timber-Line- Conrad Aiken / From discordants: IV. "Dead Cleopatra lies in a crystal casket"- Sara Teasdale / The answer- T.S. Eliot / Aunt Helen- Richard Aldington / Images- John Hall Wheelock / Beethoven- Wallace Stevens / Sunday morning- William Butler Yeats / The hawk- The scholars- Edgar Lee Masters / In memory of Bryan Lathrop- Ezra Pound / O Atthis- The lake isle- Rabindranath Tagor / From Epigrams- Harold Monro / From Strage Meetings: VII. Birth- T.S. Eliot / From observations: La figlia che piange- Mr. Apollinax- Morning at the window- John Drinkwater / Invocation- Arthur Davison Ficke / From four Japanese paintings: III. The wave symphony- William Carlos Williams / Marriage- Isaac Rosenburg / From trench poems: Break of day in the trenches- Amy Lowell / From lacquer prints desolation- Carl Sandburg / From my people: In tall grasses- James Joyce / Night piece- Ezra Pound / From three cantos: I. "Hand it all, there can be but one Sordello!"- Jane Heap / From notes: II. "Where go the birds when the rain"- Sherwood Anderson / From Mid-American songs: A visit- John Drinkwater / Reciprocity- James Joyce / On the beach at Fontana- John Gould Fletcher / From Chicago notes: The monadnock- Arthur Waley / From Chinese Poems: The orphan- Ford Maddox Hueffer / The sanctuary- Edna St. Vincent Millay / From figs from thistles: First fig- Second fig- The Unexplorer- Thursday- D. H. Lawrence / Moonrise- William Carlos Williams / Le Medecin Malgre Lui- Mark Turbyfill / Benediciton- Arthur Symons / Dreams- Carl Sandburg / From redhaw winds: Falltime- D. H. Lawrence / Nostalgia- Ezra Pound / From propertius: IV. "When, when and whenever death closes our eyelids"- John Reed / Proud New York- Emanuel Carnevali / Walt Whitman- Edna St. Vincent Millay / Recuerdo- Louis Untermeyer / End of the comedy- Conrad Aiken / From many evenings: Multitudes turn in darkness- Vachel Lindsay / The horrid voice of science- Sara Teasdale / Song- Wallace Stevens / From pecksniffiana: The indigo glass in the grass- Anecdote of the jar- the curtains in the house of the metaphysician- William Butler Yeats / A prayer for my daughter- Malcolm Cowley / From three portraits: Danny- Alfred Kreymborg / To W.C.W.M.D.- H. L. Davis / From to the river beach: Stalks of Wild Hay Agnes Lee / The Ilex Tree- Edmund Wilson Jr. / Not here- Winifred Bryher / From hellenics: Blue sleep- Yvor Winters / Hawk's eyes- Edgar Lee Masters / Keats to Fanny Brawne- Mortimer J. Adler / The fearless- Elinor Wylie / Atavism- Arthur Davidson Ficke / Perspective of Coordination- John Peale Bishop / The hunchback- Marjorie Allen Seiffert / Cubist portrait- Oscar Williams / The golden fleece- Glenway Wescott / The poet at night-fall- Wallace Stevens / From sur ma guzzla gracile: Tea at the Plaz of Hoon- Of the manner of addressing clouds- Of Heaven considered as a tomb- William Carlos Williams / The lonely street- Babette Deutsch / Tak for Sidst- Hervey Allen / Upstairs Downstairs- Osbert Sitwell / Maxixe- Harriet Monroe / In high places- Louis Bogan / From Beginning and end: Knowledge- Kay Boyle / Monody to the sound of zithers- Ernest M. Hemingway / From Wanderings: Champs D'Honneur- Chapter Heading- Malcolm Cowley / From Here and There: Nocturnal landscape- Marion Strobel / Pastoral- Yvor Winters / Static Autumn- Robert Frost / The flower-boat- DuBose Heyward / The equinox- Louis Zukofsky / Of dying beauty- Edgar Lee Masters / Mind Flying Afar- Lola Ridge / Chicago- Sara Teasdale / Epitaph- Morris Bishop / Dementia Praecox- Winifred Bryher / From Three Songs: Thessalian- Paul Eldridge / To a Courtesan a thousand years dead- Robert McAlmon / From Contributions: For instance- Laura Riding Gottschalk / From Body's Head: Head itself- Contee Cullen / For Amy Lowell- Edward Davison / The owl- Archibald MacLeish / Ars Poetica- John Dos Passos / Crimson tent- George H. Dillon / The Hard Lovers- Hart Crane / At Melville's tomb- Malcom Cowley / From Blue Juniata: The streets of Air- Mark Van Doren / Apple Hell- Kay Boyle / To a seaman dead on land- Leonie Adams / Counsel to unreason- Robert Graves / In the beginning was a word- The cool web- Hortense Flexner / Contemporary- Louis Ginsberg / Hymn to evil- Dorothy M. Richardson / Message- Hart Crane / O carib isle- Richard Eberhart / From Things Known: Under the hill- Robinson Jeffers / From The Trumpet: V. --Grass on the cliff- Morton Dauwen Zabel / Journal to Stella- Elinor Wylie / Lament for Glasgerion- H. D. / Birds in snow- Archilbald MacLeish / From Published Correspondance: Epistle to the Rapalloan- Merrill Moore / From Hospital Poems: Transfusion- Stanley Kunitz Prophecy on Lethe- Loren C. Eiseley / Misericordia- Dudley Fitts / Southwest passage Edna St. Vincent Millay / Sonnet ("Women have loved before as I love now")- May Sarton / From Words on the Wind: Fruit of loneliness- Edward Dahlberg / Kansas City West Bottoms- Basil Bunting / The Word- Robert Fitzgerald / From Mutations: Midsummer- Louise Bogan / Hypocrite Swift- Langston Hughes / Sailor- Allen Tate / From The Rooftop: Sonnets of the Blood: I. "What is this flesh and blood compounded of"- II. "Near to me as my flesh, my flesh and blood"- IV. "The times have changed, there is not left to us"- VII. "The fire I praise was once perduring flame"- IX. "Not power nor the storied hand of God"- The Wolves- Paul Frederic Bowles / Extract- Cecil Day Lewis / Winter Night- Basil Bunting / Fearful Symmetry- J. V. Cunningham / Sonnet on a still night- Robert Penn Warren / Watershed- John Peale Bishop / Hunger and Thirst- Marianne moore / From Part of a Novel, Part of a Poem, Part of a Play: The hero- R. P. Blackmur / Resurrection- Theodore Toethke / Bound- Marianne moore / No swan so fine- John Wheelwright / Canal street- Hart Crane / From The Urn: Reliquary- The sad indian- Enrich my resignation- Charles Reznikoff / Winter sketches- Robert Penn Warren / The limited- Cicil Day Lewis / Fro The Magnetic Mountain: Condemned- Selden Podman / Time of Day- Carl Rakosi / The memoirs- John Peale Bishop / The ancestors- R. P. Blackmur / From A Labyrinth of Being: Sonnet ("Three silences made him a single word")- William Carlos Williams / From "That's the American Style" : 4th of July- Robert Fitzgerald / Metaphysician- Kenneth Patchen / Empty Dwelling Places- Winfield Townley Scott / The first reader- Josephine Miles / From Local Habitation: On inhabiting an orange- S. Ichiye Hayakawa / To one elect- Basil Bunting / Fisherman- Marianne Moore / From Imperious Ox, Imperial Dish: The buffalo- William Butler Yeats / Meru- Mary Barnard / Shorline- Louis Zukofsky / "Mantis"- Harold Rosenberg / Epos- Clifford Dyment / From Secret Idiom: Snactuary- Robert Penn Warren / From October Poems: The garden- Howard Blake / Argent Solipsism- Marianne Moore / Pigeons- Sydney Justin Harris / I come to bury Caesar- Robert Frost / At Woodward's Gardens- Frederic Prokosch / The gothic dusk- Muriel Rukeyser / From Night-music: Time Exposures- D. S. Savage / Fall of leaves- Samuel French Morse / From Fracture of Light: Song in the Cold Season- Theodore Roethke / "Long Live the Weeds"- Josephine Miles / Sunday- Marianne Moore / Walking-Sticks and papereights and watermarks- William Empson / Reflection from Rochester- William Carlos Williams / To an Elder Poet- Louise Bogan / Putting to sea- Harriet MOnroe / A farewell- W. H. Auden / Journey to Iceland Poem ("O who can ever praise enought")- Dylan Thomas / We lying by seasand- Ronald Bottrall / Mating Answer- George Barker / Sequence- Delmore Schwartz / Poem (" Old man in the crystal morning after snow")- Thomas Lanier Williams / My love was light- Elizabeth Bishop / Two Mornings and Two Evenings: Paris, 7 A.M.- A miracle for breakfast- From thecountry to the city- Song- Rober Penn Warren / Bearded oaks- Norman Rosten / Aesthetic- Janet Lewis / At Carmel Highlands- Delmroe Schwartz / "In the naked bed, in Plato's cave"- Yvor Winters / A nocturne for October 31st- Dylan Thomas / Four Poems: I. "When all my five and country senses see"- II. "O make me a mask and a wall to shut from your spies"- III. "Not from this anger, anticlimax after"- IV. "The spire cranes. Its statue is an aviary"- Ronald Bottrall / Darkened Windows- Theodore Roethke / The reckoning- E. E. Cummings / ("When what hugs stopping earth than silent is"- Parker Tyler / Anthology of nouns- Peter De Vries / Mirror- Stephen Spender / The marginal field- Edna St. Vincent Millay / The snow storm- Brewster Ghiselin / Headland- W. H. Auden / Voltaire at Ferney- Wallace Stevens / The sense of the sleight-of-hand man- Randall Jarrell / THe ways and the peoples- H.B. Mallalieu / Epilogue- Glenway Wescott / The summer ending- Roy Fuller / Sonnet ("The crumbled rock of London is dripping under")- Paul Engle / Moving in- Gertrude Stein / Stanzas in Meditation- William Empson / Bacchus III- Louis MacNeice / Perdita- Nicholas Moore / Untitled ("Fivesucked the feature of my girl by glory")- Peter Viereck / Graves are made to waltz on- E. E. Cummings / "anyone lived in a pretty how town"- Walter de la Mare / Things- Antiques- John Frederick Nims / Parting: 1940- Edwin Muir / Then... W. H. Auden / Poem ("He watched with alol his organs of concern")- Karl Shapiro / Necropolis- William Carlos Williams / River rhyme- Rovinson Jeffers / The bloody sire- David Daiches / Ulysses' Library- Robert Penn Warren / Terror- Theodore Roethke / Second Shadow- babette Deutsch / Memory- Roy Fuller / Soliloquy in an air-raid- Robert Finch / Words- Langston Hughes / Dust bowl- Walter de la Mare / Immanent- Basil Buntine / To Violet- Edwin Muir / The Finder Found- Weldon Kees / Henry James at Newport- Geoffrey Grigson / The proffesionals- John Malcolm Brinnin / At the band concert- Karl Shapiro / October 1- Julian Symons / Hart Crane- William Empson / Bacchus IV- A. M. Klein / Upon the heavenly scarp- Thomas James Merton / The dark morning- Robert Duncan / A spring memorandum- Alex Comfort / The lovers- Theodore Spencer / Return- Louis Zukofsky / 1892-1941- Louis MacNeice / The Springboard- E.E. Cummings / "what if a much of a which of a wind"- Howard Nemerov / Sigmund Freud- Randall Jarrell / The emancipators- Howard Moss / A game of chance- Theodore Roethke / Dolor- William Jay Smith / "Abruptly all the palm trees"- Dilys Bennett Laing / Eros out of the sea- John Ciardi / First Snow on an Airfield- randall Jarrell / Losses- Gwendolyn Brooks / "Still do I keep my look, my identity..."- Alan Dugan / Aside- Dylan Thomas / Poem in October- Francis King / Seance- John Ciardi / Journal- Robert Francis / Part for the whole- P. K. Page / Stories of snow- Francis C. Golffing / The higher empiricism- Kenneth Koch / Poem for my twentieth birthday- James Merrill / From "Theory of Vision": The green eye- John Nerber / Castaway- Theodore Roethke / The return- Robert Lowell / The ghost- Ezra Pound / From Canto LXXX: "Oh to be in England now that Winston's out"- John Malcolm Brinnin / Angel Eye of Memory- Yvor Winters / Night of Battle- Leslie A. Fiedler / From "Thou Shalt Surely Die...": No Ghost is True- Muriel Rukeyser / Motive- James Merrill / The broken bowl- Dannie Abse / Near the Border of Insanities- Francis Scarfe / The grotto- Alan Dugan / Niagara Falls- Kenneth Koch / Schoolyard in April- Paul Goodman / "Dreams Are the Royal Road to the unconcious"- Karl Shapiro / The dirty word- Robert Lowell / The fat man in the mirror- E. E. Cummings / "if (touched by love's own secret) we, like homing"- Margaret Avison / The party- Wallace Stevens / The ultimate poem is abstract- Weldon Kees / Small prayer- Robert Graves / Return of the Goddess Artemis- Richard Wilbur / The death of a toad- W.S. Merwin / Variation on th gothic spiral- John Berryman / The traveler- William Carlos Williams / Lear- Ruthven Todd / Upon this rock- Randall Jarrell / The Sleeping Beauty: Varation of the Prince- Elizabeth Daryush / The look- David Wagoner / Marsh Leaf- Paul Goodman / Stanzas- Gwendolyn Brooks / The children of the poor- V. R. Lang / The Suicide- George Barker / Ode against St. Cecilia's Day- William Gibson / Circe- Wallace Stevens / From Things of August: I. "These locusts by day, these crickets by night"- 3. "High poetry and low"- 8. "When was it that the particles become"- Harvey Shapiro / Provincetown, Mass.- John Berryman / The cage- Delmore Schwartz / The self unsatisfied runs everywhere- The heart flies up, erratic as a kite- Babette Deuatsch / The poem- Paul Goodman / Little Ode- Richard Wilbur / "A world without objects is a sensible emptiness"- Anthony Hecht / Alceste in the wilderness Henry Rago / The Monster- Robinson Jeffers / The beauty of things- Anne Ridler / On a picture by Michele Da Verona, of Arion as a boy riding upon a dolphin- John Frederick Nims / Conclusion- Roy Marz / Vittoria Colonna- James Merrill / Hotel de l'Univers et Portugal- Robert Graves / The foreboding- Muriel Rukeyser / The place at Alert Bay- Kathy McLaughlin / Suicide pond- Kathleen Raine / The instrument- Parker Tyler / Nijinsky- William Burford / On theapparation of oneself- W. H. Auden / The shield of Achilles- Louise Bogan / After the Persian- Marianne Moore / Then the Ermine:- J. V. Cunningham / Epigram- Patrick Anderson / Sestina in time of winter- William Jay Smith / Nightwood- Robert Graves / From the embassy- Kenneth Pitchford / Lobotomy- Alan Dugan / Prison Song- George Barker / From Sonnets of the Triple-Headed Manichee: II. "Keelhauled across the star-wrecked death of God"- E. L. Mayo / The world of water- Richard Wilbur / Marginalia- Karl Shapiro / The Alphabet- Chester Kallman / A Romance- Joseph Warren Beach / Horatian Ode- Melvin Walker La Follette / Didactic Sonnet- W.S. Merwin / The sapphire- Robert Frqancis / Cold- Randall Jarrell / Aging- Frank O'Hara / Chez Jane- Fairfield Porter / The island in the evening- Kenneth patchen / O Now the Drenched Land Wakes- Norman MacCaig / Beach Talk- Thom Gunn / High Fidelity- Turner Cassidy / Chronology- Edith Sitwell / Elegy for Dylan Thomas- David Jones / The wall- Dylan Thomas / Out of a war of wits- John Ashbery / Grand Abacus- Richard Howard / Landed A valentine- Stanley Kunitz / Goose Pond- Frank O'Hara / Radio- Galway Kinnell / Braemar- Sidney Goodsir Smith / Cokkils- Kenneth Koch / Permanently- Constance Urdang / Birth of Venus- Ruth Stone / Private Pantomime- Sylvia Plath / Metamorphosis- Witter Bynner / From Inscriptions on Chinese Paintings: I. Lines to do with youth- Jay Macpherson / From The Ark: Ark to Noah- Ark articulate- Ark astonished- Robert Fitzgerald / Metaphysical- Tom Scott / The real muse- John Ashbery / To redoute- W.S. Merwin / The highway- Stanley Kunitz / The approach to Thebes- Thom Gunn / The Unsettled: Motorcyclist's vision of his death- Howard Moss / From King Midas: The king's speech- Geoffrey Hill / Wreaths- Robert Duncan / A morning letter- Howard Nemerov / Holding the mirror up to nature- Gil Orlovitz / Art of the Sonnet: LVI- H. D. / In time of gold- Margaret Avison / Stray Dog, Near Ecully- William Stafford / Shepard- Vernon Watkins / Demands of the muse- Donald Hall / T. R.- Denise Levertov / To the snake- W. S. Graham / The constructed space- Frederick Bock / Aubade: The desert- Richard Hugo / Skykomish river running / A. R. Ammons / Close-Up- Delmore Schwartz / From The Kingdom of Poetry: Swift- Josephine Miles / Dream- T. Weiss / The fire at Alexandria- John Logan / Lines for a young wanderer in Mexico- William Dickey / Teaching Swift to young ladies- James Dickey / The landfall- Sylvia Plath / The death of myth-making- Gwendolyn Brooks / From The Bean Eaters: We real cool- Richard Eberhart / The spider- Robert Duncan / Returning to roots of first feeling- Carl Sandburg / Alic Corbin is gone- X. J. Kennedy / Nude Descending a Staircase- Robert Creeley / Song- Frank O'Hara / In favor of one's time- James Merrill / Angel- William Stafford / After Plotinus George Oppen / Population- A. R. Ammons / Gravelly Run- James Dickey / Inside the river- Philip Levine / From Sierra Kid: He faces the second winter- Carolyn Kizer / To a cisiting poet in a college dormitory- E. E. Cummings / "How many moments must (amazing each"- Denise Levertov / The illustration-- A footnote- Horace Gregory / On a celtic mask by Henry Moore- Richmond Lattimore / Remorse- Robert Mezey / Vetus Flamma- John Hollander / For the passing of Groucho's pursuer- David Daiches / Notes for a history of poetry- Donald Justice / Poem ("Time and the weather wear away")- Howard Nemerov / The dragonfly- Edgar Bowers / The astronomers of Mont Blanc- James Dickey / After the night hunt- Turner Cassity / Technique on the Firing line- Sylvia / Plath Stars over the Dordogne- Philip Levine / The reply- Anne Sexton / The Black Art- John Ciardi / Death's the classic look- Alan Dugan / From Heraclitus- Robert duncan / After a passage in Baudelaire- William Meredith / Iambic feet considered as honorable scars-James Merrill / The mad scene- John Ashbery / If the birds knew- Donald Davie / Autumn imagined- John Berryman / From Nine Dream Songs: Snow Line- J.V. Cunningham / Miramar Beach- Ted Hughes / After Lorca- David Wagoner / The words- Mac Hammond / In memory of V.R. Lang- Philip Booth / Seeing Auden Off- Turner Cassity / The gardens of proserpine- Stevie Smith / Here lies...- Leroi Jones // Like Rousseau- Donald Justice / About my poems- Donald Finkel / Metaphysic of Snow- Hayden Carruth / From Contra Mortem: The being- The little death- The coming of snow- The water- The leaves- The woman's genitals- Anne Sexton / The wedding night- Gary Snyder / From Through the Smoke Hole: I. "There is another world above this one; or outside of this one"- Mona Van Duyn / "The Wish to be believed"- Charles Tomlinson / The door- Barry Spacks / October- John Hollander / Swan and shadow- Richard Howard / Specular games- William Stafford / Priest Lake- W.S. Graham / The beast in the space- Michael Benedikt / Fraudulent Days- Robert Bly / Hurrying away from the Earth- W. S. Merwin / Divinities- Karl Shapiro / From White-Haired Lover: "I swore to stab the sonnet with my pen"- Winifield Twoley Scott / Uses of poetry- Mark Van Doren / Slowly, Slowly Wisdom Gathers- Vernon Watkins / Cwmrhydyceirw Elegiacs- Charles Tomlinson / The chances of Thyme- William Heyen / The king's men- Jim Carrol / The distances- Maxine Kumin / The masochist- Mona Van Duyn / Open Letter from a constant reader- James Dickey / Venom- A. D. Hope / The School of Night- Richard Howard / Aubade: Donna Anna to Juan, still asleep- Tom Clark / The Greeks- Michael Heffernan / The table- John Koethe / Mission Bay- May Swenson / Fire Island- Denise Levertov / Invocation- Gilbert Sorrentino / Handbook of Versification- Chester Kallman / Dead Center- Dennis Trudell / hotel in Paris- A. R. Ammons / Transaction- Stephen Dobyns / Counterparts- Jean Malley / Untitles- Marvin Bell / The music of the spheres- Thom Gunn / The messenger- Michael Mott / Islanders, inlanders- W.S. Merwin / Sunset after rain- Wendell Berry / September 2- Mark McCloskey / Homosexuality- Calvin Forbes / Gabriel's Blues- F. D. Reeve / Hope- Mark Strand / Black Maps- Charles Wright / Nightletter- A. R. Ammons / Play- David Lehman / For David Shapiro- Phoebe Pettingell / Ode on zero- Andrew Hoyem / Circumambulation of Mt. Tamalpais- Thomas James / Reasons- Jon Anderson / In sepia- James Merrill / The black mesa- Robert Bly / After long busyness- Louise Gluck / The magi- Katherine Hoskins / Baucis and Philemon- George Johnston / Indoors- John Glassco / For Cora Lightbody, R. N.- Erica Jong / Climbing you- David Wagoner / Lost- John Hollander / Hall of Ocean Life- Andrew Oerke / The Sun- W. H. Auden / Ode to the medieval poets- John Betjeman / Crematorium- Greg Kuzma / Peotry- Michael Newman / Negative Passage- Tom Disch / The vowels of another language- Robert Siegel / Ego- Timothy Steele / Wait- Daisy Aldan / Stones: Avesbury- Jack Anderson / A garden of situations- Lisel Mueller / Historical Museum, manitoulin Island- James McMichael / Terce- Kathleen Spivack / Dido: Swarming- David Wagoner / Muse- Hugh Seidman / N- Charles Wright / Negatives- Howard Nemeroc / To D--, Dead by her own hand- William Dickey / The poet's farewell to hsi teeth- A.D. Hope / Parabola- James McAuley- Winter drive- May Swenson / July 4th- Richard Everhart / Plain Song Talk- Stephen Berg / Don't forget- Sandra McPherson / Seaweeds- David Shapiro / About this course- Geoffrey Grigson / Burial- Charles Martin / Leaving buffalo- James Schuyler / Poem (" This beauty that I see")- Michael Magee / It is the stars that govern us- Ruth Fainlight / Fire-Queen- Brewster Ghiselin / Credo- Mark Jarman / The desire of water- Suzanne Noguere / Pervigilium Veneris- John Hollander / Breadth. Circle. Desert. Monarch. Month. Wisdom.- Horace Gregory / Death & Empedocles 444 B.C.- Thomas Cole / Spider- Stephen Sandy / Declension- David Ignatow / In a dream- John Frederick Nims / Clock without hands- Richard Hugo / Last days- Richard Howard / From Compulsive Qualifications: I. "Richard, may i ask a question? What is an episteme?"- II. "Richard, what do you mean when you say you're writing two-part inventions?"- III. "Richard, may I ask you something? Is Poetry involved with evil?"- XIII. "Richard, what will it be like when you ask the questions?"- Sandra McPherson / Page- Stewart Lindh / Settler- Sandra M. Gilbert / The fog dream- Marya Zaturenska / Bird and the muse- Jay Macpherson / From The Way Down: They Return- Marilyn Hacker / Under the Arc de Triomphe: October 17- H. B. Mallalieu / Empedocles on Etna- David Bromwich / Wandsworth Common- John Ashbery / A man of words- David Wagoner / Elegy for Yards, Pounds, and Gallons- Robert Chatain / World of Darkness- Margaret Atwood / From Songs of the Transformed: Siren Song- Daryl Hine / Vowel Movements- David Galler / Narcissus: to himself- Judith Minty / Look to the back of the hand- David Mus / From The Joy of Cooking: Conserves- Jack Anderson / Ode to Pornography- Dannie Abse / Angels- David Schloss / The poem- John N. Morris / The mirror- William Stafford / The day you are reading this- Gjertrud Schnackenberg / Signs- Tom Disch / Homage to the Carracci- J. D. McClatchy / The pleasure of ruins- Charles Gullans / Satyr- Jayanta Mahapatra / A rain of rites- Jane Shore / An Astronomer's Journal- Robert Pinsky / From Essay on Psychiatrists: XIV. Their speech compared with wisdom and poetry- James Applewhite / Bordering Manuscript- Peter Schjeldahl / A younger poet- Charles O. Hartman / Inflation- David Smith / Dome Poem- Sandra McPherson / Sentience- Howard Nemerov / Waiting rooms- Robin Fulton / The waiting-room- Ben Howard / Winter Report- Judith Moffett / Diehard- Alfred Corn / Deception- James Schuyler / "Can I tempt you to a pond walk?"- David Bromwich / From the rightous man even the wild beasts run away- Greg Kuzma / The Dump- Rika Lesser / Translation- Ezra Pound / Fragmenti- James Applewhite / To Earth- John Ashbery / The Ice-crem wars- Frank O'Hara / Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia, as Perdita- Diane Wakoski / The ring- David Wagoner / The death of the moon- Philip Levine / Here and now- Judith Moffett / Twinings orange pekoe- Sandra M. Gilbert / Elegy
American Poetry 20th Century
811.5208 Poe 14
The poetry anthology, 1912-1977 Sixty-five years of America's Most Distinguished Verse Magazine Edited by Daryl Hine and Joseph Parisi - Boston, MA Houghton Mufflin Company 1978 - 555 p.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Part 1:1912-1920 ( Volumes 1-16) Part 2: 1920-1930 (Volumes 17-36) Part 3: 1930-1940 (Volumes 37-56) Part 4: 1940-1950 (Volumes 57-76) Part 5: 1950-1960 (Volumes 77-96) Part 6: 1960-1970 (Volumes 97-116) Part 7: 1970-1977 (Volumes 117-131)
Ezra Pound / To whistler, American- William Butler Yeats / Fallen majesty- Vachel Lindsay / General William Booth enters into Heaven- H.D. / Epigram- Witter Bynner / Grieve not for beauty- Ezra Pound / From contemporania Tenzone- Francis Thompson / To my friend- Ezra Pound / From Lustra: I. "O helpless few in my country"- III. Further instructions- D.H. Lawrence / Green- Illicit- Robert Frost / The code-- heroics- Carl Sandburg- From Chago Poems; Chicago- Sara Teasdale / From love songs; September midnight- Edwin Arlington Robinson / Eros Turannos- William Butler Yeats / To a friend whose work has come to nothing- The magi- Ezra Pound / TO KAAON- James Stephens / Dark wings- D. H. Lawrence / Don Juan- Ezra Pound / The coming of war: Actaeon- H.D. / Moonrise- Amy Lowell / Venus Transiens- Rupert Brooke / Nineteen-fourteen- William Carlos Williams / Slow Movement- Marianne Moore / From Pouters and Fantails- That harp you play so well- T.S. Eliot / The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock- Harriet Monroe / The pine at Timber-Line- Conrad Aiken / From discordants: IV. "Dead Cleopatra lies in a crystal casket"- Sara Teasdale / The answer- T.S. Eliot / Aunt Helen- Richard Aldington / Images- John Hall Wheelock / Beethoven- Wallace Stevens / Sunday morning- William Butler Yeats / The hawk- The scholars- Edgar Lee Masters / In memory of Bryan Lathrop- Ezra Pound / O Atthis- The lake isle- Rabindranath Tagor / From Epigrams- Harold Monro / From Strage Meetings: VII. Birth- T.S. Eliot / From observations: La figlia che piange- Mr. Apollinax- Morning at the window- John Drinkwater / Invocation- Arthur Davison Ficke / From four Japanese paintings: III. The wave symphony- William Carlos Williams / Marriage- Isaac Rosenburg / From trench poems: Break of day in the trenches- Amy Lowell / From lacquer prints desolation- Carl Sandburg / From my people: In tall grasses- James Joyce / Night piece- Ezra Pound / From three cantos: I. "Hand it all, there can be but one Sordello!"- Jane Heap / From notes: II. "Where go the birds when the rain"- Sherwood Anderson / From Mid-American songs: A visit- John Drinkwater / Reciprocity- James Joyce / On the beach at Fontana- John Gould Fletcher / From Chicago notes: The monadnock- Arthur Waley / From Chinese Poems: The orphan- Ford Maddox Hueffer / The sanctuary- Edna St. Vincent Millay / From figs from thistles: First fig- Second fig- The Unexplorer- Thursday- D. H. Lawrence / Moonrise- William Carlos Williams / Le Medecin Malgre Lui- Mark Turbyfill / Benediciton- Arthur Symons / Dreams- Carl Sandburg / From redhaw winds: Falltime- D. H. Lawrence / Nostalgia- Ezra Pound / From propertius: IV. "When, when and whenever death closes our eyelids"- John Reed / Proud New York- Emanuel Carnevali / Walt Whitman- Edna St. Vincent Millay / Recuerdo- Louis Untermeyer / End of the comedy- Conrad Aiken / From many evenings: Multitudes turn in darkness- Vachel Lindsay / The horrid voice of science- Sara Teasdale / Song- Wallace Stevens / From pecksniffiana: The indigo glass in the grass- Anecdote of the jar- the curtains in the house of the metaphysician- William Butler Yeats / A prayer for my daughter- Malcolm Cowley / From three portraits: Danny- Alfred Kreymborg / To W.C.W.M.D.- H. L. Davis / From to the river beach: Stalks of Wild Hay Agnes Lee / The Ilex Tree- Edmund Wilson Jr. / Not here- Winifred Bryher / From hellenics: Blue sleep- Yvor Winters / Hawk's eyes- Edgar Lee Masters / Keats to Fanny Brawne- Mortimer J. Adler / The fearless- Elinor Wylie / Atavism- Arthur Davidson Ficke / Perspective of Coordination- John Peale Bishop / The hunchback- Marjorie Allen Seiffert / Cubist portrait- Oscar Williams / The golden fleece- Glenway Wescott / The poet at night-fall- Wallace Stevens / From sur ma guzzla gracile: Tea at the Plaz of Hoon- Of the manner of addressing clouds- Of Heaven considered as a tomb- William Carlos Williams / The lonely street- Babette Deutsch / Tak for Sidst- Hervey Allen / Upstairs Downstairs- Osbert Sitwell / Maxixe- Harriet Monroe / In high places- Louis Bogan / From Beginning and end: Knowledge- Kay Boyle / Monody to the sound of zithers- Ernest M. Hemingway / From Wanderings: Champs D'Honneur- Chapter Heading- Malcolm Cowley / From Here and There: Nocturnal landscape- Marion Strobel / Pastoral- Yvor Winters / Static Autumn- Robert Frost / The flower-boat- DuBose Heyward / The equinox- Louis Zukofsky / Of dying beauty- Edgar Lee Masters / Mind Flying Afar- Lola Ridge / Chicago- Sara Teasdale / Epitaph- Morris Bishop / Dementia Praecox- Winifred Bryher / From Three Songs: Thessalian- Paul Eldridge / To a Courtesan a thousand years dead- Robert McAlmon / From Contributions: For instance- Laura Riding Gottschalk / From Body's Head: Head itself- Contee Cullen / For Amy Lowell- Edward Davison / The owl- Archibald MacLeish / Ars Poetica- John Dos Passos / Crimson tent- George H. Dillon / The Hard Lovers- Hart Crane / At Melville's tomb- Malcom Cowley / From Blue Juniata: The streets of Air- Mark Van Doren / Apple Hell- Kay Boyle / To a seaman dead on land- Leonie Adams / Counsel to unreason- Robert Graves / In the beginning was a word- The cool web- Hortense Flexner / Contemporary- Louis Ginsberg / Hymn to evil- Dorothy M. Richardson / Message- Hart Crane / O carib isle- Richard Eberhart / From Things Known: Under the hill- Robinson Jeffers / From The Trumpet: V. --Grass on the cliff- Morton Dauwen Zabel / Journal to Stella- Elinor Wylie / Lament for Glasgerion- H. D. / Birds in snow- Archilbald MacLeish / From Published Correspondance: Epistle to the Rapalloan- Merrill Moore / From Hospital Poems: Transfusion- Stanley Kunitz Prophecy on Lethe- Loren C. Eiseley / Misericordia- Dudley Fitts / Southwest passage Edna St. Vincent Millay / Sonnet ("Women have loved before as I love now")- May Sarton / From Words on the Wind: Fruit of loneliness- Edward Dahlberg / Kansas City West Bottoms- Basil Bunting / The Word- Robert Fitzgerald / From Mutations: Midsummer- Louise Bogan / Hypocrite Swift- Langston Hughes / Sailor- Allen Tate / From The Rooftop: Sonnets of the Blood: I. "What is this flesh and blood compounded of"- II. "Near to me as my flesh, my flesh and blood"- IV. "The times have changed, there is not left to us"- VII. "The fire I praise was once perduring flame"- IX. "Not power nor the storied hand of God"- The Wolves- Paul Frederic Bowles / Extract- Cecil Day Lewis / Winter Night- Basil Bunting / Fearful Symmetry- J. V. Cunningham / Sonnet on a still night- Robert Penn Warren / Watershed- John Peale Bishop / Hunger and Thirst- Marianne moore / From Part of a Novel, Part of a Poem, Part of a Play: The hero- R. P. Blackmur / Resurrection- Theodore Toethke / Bound- Marianne moore / No swan so fine- John Wheelwright / Canal street- Hart Crane / From The Urn: Reliquary- The sad indian- Enrich my resignation- Charles Reznikoff / Winter sketches- Robert Penn Warren / The limited- Cicil Day Lewis / Fro The Magnetic Mountain: Condemned- Selden Podman / Time of Day- Carl Rakosi / The memoirs- John Peale Bishop / The ancestors- R. P. Blackmur / From A Labyrinth of Being: Sonnet ("Three silences made him a single word")- William Carlos Williams / From "That's the American Style" : 4th of July- Robert Fitzgerald / Metaphysician- Kenneth Patchen / Empty Dwelling Places- Winfield Townley Scott / The first reader- Josephine Miles / From Local Habitation: On inhabiting an orange- S. Ichiye Hayakawa / To one elect- Basil Bunting / Fisherman- Marianne Moore / From Imperious Ox, Imperial Dish: The buffalo- William Butler Yeats / Meru- Mary Barnard / Shorline- Louis Zukofsky / "Mantis"- Harold Rosenberg / Epos- Clifford Dyment / From Secret Idiom: Snactuary- Robert Penn Warren / From October Poems: The garden- Howard Blake / Argent Solipsism- Marianne Moore / Pigeons- Sydney Justin Harris / I come to bury Caesar- Robert Frost / At Woodward's Gardens- Frederic Prokosch / The gothic dusk- Muriel Rukeyser / From Night-music: Time Exposures- D. S. Savage / Fall of leaves- Samuel French Morse / From Fracture of Light: Song in the Cold Season- Theodore Roethke / "Long Live the Weeds"- Josephine Miles / Sunday- Marianne Moore / Walking-Sticks and papereights and watermarks- William Empson / Reflection from Rochester- William Carlos Williams / To an Elder Poet- Louise Bogan / Putting to sea- Harriet MOnroe / A farewell- W. H. Auden / Journey to Iceland Poem ("O who can ever praise enought")- Dylan Thomas / We lying by seasand- Ronald Bottrall / Mating Answer- George Barker / Sequence- Delmore Schwartz / Poem (" Old man in the crystal morning after snow")- Thomas Lanier Williams / My love was light- Elizabeth Bishop / Two Mornings and Two Evenings: Paris, 7 A.M.- A miracle for breakfast- From thecountry to the city- Song- Rober Penn Warren / Bearded oaks- Norman Rosten / Aesthetic- Janet Lewis / At Carmel Highlands- Delmroe Schwartz / "In the naked bed, in Plato's cave"- Yvor Winters / A nocturne for October 31st- Dylan Thomas / Four Poems: I. "When all my five and country senses see"- II. "O make me a mask and a wall to shut from your spies"- III. "Not from this anger, anticlimax after"- IV. "The spire cranes. Its statue is an aviary"- Ronald Bottrall / Darkened Windows- Theodore Roethke / The reckoning- E. E. Cummings / ("When what hugs stopping earth than silent is"- Parker Tyler / Anthology of nouns- Peter De Vries / Mirror- Stephen Spender / The marginal field- Edna St. Vincent Millay / The snow storm- Brewster Ghiselin / Headland- W. H. Auden / Voltaire at Ferney- Wallace Stevens / The sense of the sleight-of-hand man- Randall Jarrell / THe ways and the peoples- H.B. Mallalieu / Epilogue- Glenway Wescott / The summer ending- Roy Fuller / Sonnet ("The crumbled rock of London is dripping under")- Paul Engle / Moving in- Gertrude Stein / Stanzas in Meditation- William Empson / Bacchus III- Louis MacNeice / Perdita- Nicholas Moore / Untitled ("Fivesucked the feature of my girl by glory")- Peter Viereck / Graves are made to waltz on- E. E. Cummings / "anyone lived in a pretty how town"- Walter de la Mare / Things- Antiques- John Frederick Nims / Parting: 1940- Edwin Muir / Then... W. H. Auden / Poem ("He watched with alol his organs of concern")- Karl Shapiro / Necropolis- William Carlos Williams / River rhyme- Rovinson Jeffers / The bloody sire- David Daiches / Ulysses' Library- Robert Penn Warren / Terror- Theodore Roethke / Second Shadow- babette Deutsch / Memory- Roy Fuller / Soliloquy in an air-raid- Robert Finch / Words- Langston Hughes / Dust bowl- Walter de la Mare / Immanent- Basil Buntine / To Violet- Edwin Muir / The Finder Found- Weldon Kees / Henry James at Newport- Geoffrey Grigson / The proffesionals- John Malcolm Brinnin / At the band concert- Karl Shapiro / October 1- Julian Symons / Hart Crane- William Empson / Bacchus IV- A. M. Klein / Upon the heavenly scarp- Thomas James Merton / The dark morning- Robert Duncan / A spring memorandum- Alex Comfort / The lovers- Theodore Spencer / Return- Louis Zukofsky / 1892-1941- Louis MacNeice / The Springboard- E.E. Cummings / "what if a much of a which of a wind"- Howard Nemerov / Sigmund Freud- Randall Jarrell / The emancipators- Howard Moss / A game of chance- Theodore Roethke / Dolor- William Jay Smith / "Abruptly all the palm trees"- Dilys Bennett Laing / Eros out of the sea- John Ciardi / First Snow on an Airfield- randall Jarrell / Losses- Gwendolyn Brooks / "Still do I keep my look, my identity..."- Alan Dugan / Aside- Dylan Thomas / Poem in October- Francis King / Seance- John Ciardi / Journal- Robert Francis / Part for the whole- P. K. Page / Stories of snow- Francis C. Golffing / The higher empiricism- Kenneth Koch / Poem for my twentieth birthday- James Merrill / From "Theory of Vision": The green eye- John Nerber / Castaway- Theodore Roethke / The return- Robert Lowell / The ghost- Ezra Pound / From Canto LXXX: "Oh to be in England now that Winston's out"- John Malcolm Brinnin / Angel Eye of Memory- Yvor Winters / Night of Battle- Leslie A. Fiedler / From "Thou Shalt Surely Die...": No Ghost is True- Muriel Rukeyser / Motive- James Merrill / The broken bowl- Dannie Abse / Near the Border of Insanities- Francis Scarfe / The grotto- Alan Dugan / Niagara Falls- Kenneth Koch / Schoolyard in April- Paul Goodman / "Dreams Are the Royal Road to the unconcious"- Karl Shapiro / The dirty word- Robert Lowell / The fat man in the mirror- E. E. Cummings / "if (touched by love's own secret) we, like homing"- Margaret Avison / The party- Wallace Stevens / The ultimate poem is abstract- Weldon Kees / Small prayer- Robert Graves / Return of the Goddess Artemis- Richard Wilbur / The death of a toad- W.S. Merwin / Variation on th gothic spiral- John Berryman / The traveler- William Carlos Williams / Lear- Ruthven Todd / Upon this rock- Randall Jarrell / The Sleeping Beauty: Varation of the Prince- Elizabeth Daryush / The look- David Wagoner / Marsh Leaf- Paul Goodman / Stanzas- Gwendolyn Brooks / The children of the poor- V. R. Lang / The Suicide- George Barker / Ode against St. Cecilia's Day- William Gibson / Circe- Wallace Stevens / From Things of August: I. "These locusts by day, these crickets by night"- 3. "High poetry and low"- 8. "When was it that the particles become"- Harvey Shapiro / Provincetown, Mass.- John Berryman / The cage- Delmore Schwartz / The self unsatisfied runs everywhere- The heart flies up, erratic as a kite- Babette Deuatsch / The poem- Paul Goodman / Little Ode- Richard Wilbur / "A world without objects is a sensible emptiness"- Anthony Hecht / Alceste in the wilderness Henry Rago / The Monster- Robinson Jeffers / The beauty of things- Anne Ridler / On a picture by Michele Da Verona, of Arion as a boy riding upon a dolphin- John Frederick Nims / Conclusion- Roy Marz / Vittoria Colonna- James Merrill / Hotel de l'Univers et Portugal- Robert Graves / The foreboding- Muriel Rukeyser / The place at Alert Bay- Kathy McLaughlin / Suicide pond- Kathleen Raine / The instrument- Parker Tyler / Nijinsky- William Burford / On theapparation of oneself- W. H. Auden / The shield of Achilles- Louise Bogan / After the Persian- Marianne Moore / Then the Ermine:- J. V. Cunningham / Epigram- Patrick Anderson / Sestina in time of winter- William Jay Smith / Nightwood- Robert Graves / From the embassy- Kenneth Pitchford / Lobotomy- Alan Dugan / Prison Song- George Barker / From Sonnets of the Triple-Headed Manichee: II. "Keelhauled across the star-wrecked death of God"- E. L. Mayo / The world of water- Richard Wilbur / Marginalia- Karl Shapiro / The Alphabet- Chester Kallman / A Romance- Joseph Warren Beach / Horatian Ode- Melvin Walker La Follette / Didactic Sonnet- W.S. Merwin / The sapphire- Robert Frqancis / Cold- Randall Jarrell / Aging- Frank O'Hara / Chez Jane- Fairfield Porter / The island in the evening- Kenneth patchen / O Now the Drenched Land Wakes- Norman MacCaig / Beach Talk- Thom Gunn / High Fidelity- Turner Cassidy / Chronology- Edith Sitwell / Elegy for Dylan Thomas- David Jones / The wall- Dylan Thomas / Out of a war of wits- John Ashbery / Grand Abacus- Richard Howard / Landed A valentine- Stanley Kunitz / Goose Pond- Frank O'Hara / Radio- Galway Kinnell / Braemar- Sidney Goodsir Smith / Cokkils- Kenneth Koch / Permanently- Constance Urdang / Birth of Venus- Ruth Stone / Private Pantomime- Sylvia Plath / Metamorphosis- Witter Bynner / From Inscriptions on Chinese Paintings: I. Lines to do with youth- Jay Macpherson / From The Ark: Ark to Noah- Ark articulate- Ark astonished- Robert Fitzgerald / Metaphysical- Tom Scott / The real muse- John Ashbery / To redoute- W.S. Merwin / The highway- Stanley Kunitz / The approach to Thebes- Thom Gunn / The Unsettled: Motorcyclist's vision of his death- Howard Moss / From King Midas: The king's speech- Geoffrey Hill / Wreaths- Robert Duncan / A morning letter- Howard Nemerov / Holding the mirror up to nature- Gil Orlovitz / Art of the Sonnet: LVI- H. D. / In time of gold- Margaret Avison / Stray Dog, Near Ecully- William Stafford / Shepard- Vernon Watkins / Demands of the muse- Donald Hall / T. R.- Denise Levertov / To the snake- W. S. Graham / The constructed space- Frederick Bock / Aubade: The desert- Richard Hugo / Skykomish river running / A. R. Ammons / Close-Up- Delmore Schwartz / From The Kingdom of Poetry: Swift- Josephine Miles / Dream- T. Weiss / The fire at Alexandria- John Logan / Lines for a young wanderer in Mexico- William Dickey / Teaching Swift to young ladies- James Dickey / The landfall- Sylvia Plath / The death of myth-making- Gwendolyn Brooks / From The Bean Eaters: We real cool- Richard Eberhart / The spider- Robert Duncan / Returning to roots of first feeling- Carl Sandburg / Alic Corbin is gone- X. J. Kennedy / Nude Descending a Staircase- Robert Creeley / Song- Frank O'Hara / In favor of one's time- James Merrill / Angel- William Stafford / After Plotinus George Oppen / Population- A. R. Ammons / Gravelly Run- James Dickey / Inside the river- Philip Levine / From Sierra Kid: He faces the second winter- Carolyn Kizer / To a cisiting poet in a college dormitory- E. E. Cummings / "How many moments must (amazing each"- Denise Levertov / The illustration-- A footnote- Horace Gregory / On a celtic mask by Henry Moore- Richmond Lattimore / Remorse- Robert Mezey / Vetus Flamma- John Hollander / For the passing of Groucho's pursuer- David Daiches / Notes for a history of poetry- Donald Justice / Poem ("Time and the weather wear away")- Howard Nemerov / The dragonfly- Edgar Bowers / The astronomers of Mont Blanc- James Dickey / After the night hunt- Turner Cassity / Technique on the Firing line- Sylvia / Plath Stars over the Dordogne- Philip Levine / The reply- Anne Sexton / The Black Art- John Ciardi / Death's the classic look- Alan Dugan / From Heraclitus- Robert duncan / After a passage in Baudelaire- William Meredith / Iambic feet considered as honorable scars-James Merrill / The mad scene- John Ashbery / If the birds knew- Donald Davie / Autumn imagined- John Berryman / From Nine Dream Songs: Snow Line- J.V. Cunningham / Miramar Beach- Ted Hughes / After Lorca- David Wagoner / The words- Mac Hammond / In memory of V.R. Lang- Philip Booth / Seeing Auden Off- Turner Cassity / The gardens of proserpine- Stevie Smith / Here lies...- Leroi Jones // Like Rousseau- Donald Justice / About my poems- Donald Finkel / Metaphysic of Snow- Hayden Carruth / From Contra Mortem: The being- The little death- The coming of snow- The water- The leaves- The woman's genitals- Anne Sexton / The wedding night- Gary Snyder / From Through the Smoke Hole: I. "There is another world above this one; or outside of this one"- Mona Van Duyn / "The Wish to be believed"- Charles Tomlinson / The door- Barry Spacks / October- John Hollander / Swan and shadow- Richard Howard / Specular games- William Stafford / Priest Lake- W.S. Graham / The beast in the space- Michael Benedikt / Fraudulent Days- Robert Bly / Hurrying away from the Earth- W. S. Merwin / Divinities- Karl Shapiro / From White-Haired Lover: "I swore to stab the sonnet with my pen"- Winifield Twoley Scott / Uses of poetry- Mark Van Doren / Slowly, Slowly Wisdom Gathers- Vernon Watkins / Cwmrhydyceirw Elegiacs- Charles Tomlinson / The chances of Thyme- William Heyen / The king's men- Jim Carrol / The distances- Maxine Kumin / The masochist- Mona Van Duyn / Open Letter from a constant reader- James Dickey / Venom- A. D. Hope / The School of Night- Richard Howard / Aubade: Donna Anna to Juan, still asleep- Tom Clark / The Greeks- Michael Heffernan / The table- John Koethe / Mission Bay- May Swenson / Fire Island- Denise Levertov / Invocation- Gilbert Sorrentino / Handbook of Versification- Chester Kallman / Dead Center- Dennis Trudell / hotel in Paris- A. R. Ammons / Transaction- Stephen Dobyns / Counterparts- Jean Malley / Untitles- Marvin Bell / The music of the spheres- Thom Gunn / The messenger- Michael Mott / Islanders, inlanders- W.S. Merwin / Sunset after rain- Wendell Berry / September 2- Mark McCloskey / Homosexuality- Calvin Forbes / Gabriel's Blues- F. D. Reeve / Hope- Mark Strand / Black Maps- Charles Wright / Nightletter- A. R. Ammons / Play- David Lehman / For David Shapiro- Phoebe Pettingell / Ode on zero- Andrew Hoyem / Circumambulation of Mt. Tamalpais- Thomas James / Reasons- Jon Anderson / In sepia- James Merrill / The black mesa- Robert Bly / After long busyness- Louise Gluck / The magi- Katherine Hoskins / Baucis and Philemon- George Johnston / Indoors- John Glassco / For Cora Lightbody, R. N.- Erica Jong / Climbing you- David Wagoner / Lost- John Hollander / Hall of Ocean Life- Andrew Oerke / The Sun- W. H. Auden / Ode to the medieval poets- John Betjeman / Crematorium- Greg Kuzma / Peotry- Michael Newman / Negative Passage- Tom Disch / The vowels of another language- Robert Siegel / Ego- Timothy Steele / Wait- Daisy Aldan / Stones: Avesbury- Jack Anderson / A garden of situations- Lisel Mueller / Historical Museum, manitoulin Island- James McMichael / Terce- Kathleen Spivack / Dido: Swarming- David Wagoner / Muse- Hugh Seidman / N- Charles Wright / Negatives- Howard Nemeroc / To D--, Dead by her own hand- William Dickey / The poet's farewell to hsi teeth- A.D. Hope / Parabola- James McAuley- Winter drive- May Swenson / July 4th- Richard Everhart / Plain Song Talk- Stephen Berg / Don't forget- Sandra McPherson / Seaweeds- David Shapiro / About this course- Geoffrey Grigson / Burial- Charles Martin / Leaving buffalo- James Schuyler / Poem (" This beauty that I see")- Michael Magee / It is the stars that govern us- Ruth Fainlight / Fire-Queen- Brewster Ghiselin / Credo- Mark Jarman / The desire of water- Suzanne Noguere / Pervigilium Veneris- John Hollander / Breadth. Circle. Desert. Monarch. Month. Wisdom.- Horace Gregory / Death & Empedocles 444 B.C.- Thomas Cole / Spider- Stephen Sandy / Declension- David Ignatow / In a dream- John Frederick Nims / Clock without hands- Richard Hugo / Last days- Richard Howard / From Compulsive Qualifications: I. "Richard, may i ask a question? What is an episteme?"- II. "Richard, what do you mean when you say you're writing two-part inventions?"- III. "Richard, may I ask you something? Is Poetry involved with evil?"- XIII. "Richard, what will it be like when you ask the questions?"- Sandra McPherson / Page- Stewart Lindh / Settler- Sandra M. Gilbert / The fog dream- Marya Zaturenska / Bird and the muse- Jay Macpherson / From The Way Down: They Return- Marilyn Hacker / Under the Arc de Triomphe: October 17- H. B. Mallalieu / Empedocles on Etna- David Bromwich / Wandsworth Common- John Ashbery / A man of words- David Wagoner / Elegy for Yards, Pounds, and Gallons- Robert Chatain / World of Darkness- Margaret Atwood / From Songs of the Transformed: Siren Song- Daryl Hine / Vowel Movements- David Galler / Narcissus: to himself- Judith Minty / Look to the back of the hand- David Mus / From The Joy of Cooking: Conserves- Jack Anderson / Ode to Pornography- Dannie Abse / Angels- David Schloss / The poem- John N. Morris / The mirror- William Stafford / The day you are reading this- Gjertrud Schnackenberg / Signs- Tom Disch / Homage to the Carracci- J. D. McClatchy / The pleasure of ruins- Charles Gullans / Satyr- Jayanta Mahapatra / A rain of rites- Jane Shore / An Astronomer's Journal- Robert Pinsky / From Essay on Psychiatrists: XIV. Their speech compared with wisdom and poetry- James Applewhite / Bordering Manuscript- Peter Schjeldahl / A younger poet- Charles O. Hartman / Inflation- David Smith / Dome Poem- Sandra McPherson / Sentience- Howard Nemerov / Waiting rooms- Robin Fulton / The waiting-room- Ben Howard / Winter Report- Judith Moffett / Diehard- Alfred Corn / Deception- James Schuyler / "Can I tempt you to a pond walk?"- David Bromwich / From the rightous man even the wild beasts run away- Greg Kuzma / The Dump- Rika Lesser / Translation- Ezra Pound / Fragmenti- James Applewhite / To Earth- John Ashbery / The Ice-crem wars- Frank O'Hara / Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia, as Perdita- Diane Wakoski / The ring- David Wagoner / The death of the moon- Philip Levine / Here and now- Judith Moffett / Twinings orange pekoe- Sandra M. Gilbert / Elegy
American Poetry 20th Century
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