Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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1. American Humor by 20160731 frey50 Publication: New York Coward- McCann, Inc. 1941 . 814 p. Date: 1941 Availability: Items available: [817 Ame] (1),
2. The land and wildlife of Australia by Bergamini, David Publication: New York, Time, incorporated 1964 . 198 p. , Revised ed. published as: The land and wildlife of Australasia. c1980. Includes Bibliography and Index 28 cm. Date: 1964 Availability: Items available: [j919.4 Ber] (1),
3. The earth. by Beiser, Arthur frey50 Publication: New York, NY Time Inc. 1963 . pg. 192 Date: 1963 Availability: Items available: [j525 Bei] (1),
4. Africa by Carr, Archie Publication: New York Time Inc. 1964 . 200 p. , Includes Index Date: 1964 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [j916 Car] (1),
5. The plants by Went, Frits W. frey50 Publication: New York Time Incoporated 1963 . 194 p. Date: 1963 Availability: Items available: [j581 Wen] (1),
6. Matter. by Lapp, Ralph E. frey50 Publication: New York Time Inc. 1964 . 200 p. Date: 1964 Availability: Items available: [j530.1 Lap] (1),
7. Man of the century   Publication: Boston Little, Brown and company 1965 . 335 p. , Includes Index Date: 1965 Availability: Items available: [941.084092 Man] (1),
8. The River Plate republics: Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, by Ferguson, John Halcro Publication: New York, Time inc. 1965 . 160 p. 28 cm. Date: 1965 Availability: Items available: [918.2 Fer] (1),
9. The Andean republics: Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru. by Johnson, William Weber, Publication: New York, Time, inc. 1965 . 160 p. 28 cm. Date: 1965 Availability: Items available: [918.033 Joh] (1),
10. The United States   Publication: New York Time Incorporated 1965 . 192 p. , Includes Index Date: 1965 Availability: Items available: [917.3 Uni] (1),
11. The Low Countries by Rachlis, Eugene Publication: New York Time Incorporated 1963 . 160 p. , Includes Index Date: 1963 Availability: Items available: [914.92 Rac] (1),
12. Canada, by Moore, Brian, Publication: New York, Time, inc. 1963 . 160 p. 28 cm. Date: 1963 Availability: Items available: [971 Moo] (1),
13. China by Fessler, Loren Publication: New York Time Incorporated 1963 . 176 p. , Includes Index Date: 1963 Availability: Items available: [915.1 Fes] (1),
14. Switzerland by Kubly, Herbert Publication: New York Time Incorporated 1964 . 160 p. , Includes Index Date: 1964 Availability: Items available: [914.94 Kub] (1),
15. The Balkans by Stillman, Edmund Publication: New York Time Incorporated 1964 . 160 p. , Includes Bibliography and Index Date: 1964 Availability: Items available: [914.96 Sti] (1),
16. South Africa by Hopkinson, Tom Publication: New York Time Incorporated 1964 . 160 p. Date: 1964 Availability: Items available: [916.8 Hop] (1),
17. Southeast Asia, by Karnow, Stanley. Publication: New York, Time, inc. 1962 . 160 p. 29 cm. Date: 1962 Availability: Items available: [915.9 Kar] (1),
18. Central America by Lavine, Harold Publication: New York Time Incorporated 1964 . 160 p. , Includes Index Date: 1964 Availability: Items available: [917.28035 Lav] (1),
19. Water / by Leopold, Luna B. frey50 Publication: New York Time, Inc. 1966 . 200 p, , Includes index. Date: 1966 Availability: Items available: [j553.7 Leo] (),
20. Brazil, by Bishop, Elizabeth, Publication: New York, Time, inc. 1967 . 160 p. 28 cm. Date: 1967 Availability: Items available: [918.1 Bis] (1),