Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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1. Sky Captain and the world of tomorrow by 20160731 frey50 Publication: Hollywood, Calif. : Paramount, 2005 . 1 videocassette (106 min.) : , Originally released as a motion picture in 2004. 1/2 in. Date: 2005 Availability: Items available: [Sky] (1),
2. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by Publication: Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, 2009 . 1 videodisc (153 min.) : , DVD release of the 2009 motion picture. | Based on the novel by J.K. Rowling. 4 3/4 in. Date: 2009 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [jHar] (1),
3. Open range by Publication: [United States] : | Burbank, CA : Touchstone Home Entertainment ; | Distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment, 2003 . 2 videodiscs (139 min.) : , Special features: "A journey back in time." 4 3/4 in. Date: 2003 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [Ope] (1),
4. King's Speech   Publication: [London] : | Beverly Hills, CA : UK Film Council ; | Distributed by Anchor Bay Entertainment, 2011 . 1 videodisc (119 min.) : , Originally produced as a British motion picture in 2010. | Special features: Feature commentary with director Tom Hooper [audio feature]; Featurettes The king's speech: an inspirational story of an unlikely friendship (24 min.); Q & A with the director and cast (22 min.); Speeches from the real King George VI (8 min.); The real Lionel Logue (11 min.); The Stuttering Foundation (public service announcement) (1 min.); Previews (4 min.). | "The Weinstein Company Home Entertainment"--Disc label. 4 3/4 in. Date: 2011 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [Kin] (1),
5. Amazing Grace   Publication: Beverly Hills, Ca. : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, LLC, 2006 . 1 videodisc (118 min.) : 4 3/4 in. Date: 2006 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [Ama] (1),
6. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix   Publication: Burbank, Calif. Warner Home Video 2016 . 2 videodiscs (139 min.) : , "Year 5"--Container spine. | Originally produced as a motion picture in 2007. | Based on the novel by J.K. Rowling. 4 3/4 in. Date: 2016 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [jHar] (1),
7. Book of Eli   Publication: Burbank, CA Warner Home Video 2010 . 1 videodisc (118 min.) : , DVD release of the 2010 motion picture. | Special features: A lost tale: Billy (5 min. animated short); Deleted/alternate scenes. 4 3/4 in. Date: 2010 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [Boo] (1),
8. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban   Publication: Burbank, CA Warner Bros. Entertainment 2004 . 2 videodiscs (approximately 142 min.) : , Based on the novel by J.K. Rowling. | Special features include: never-before-seen footage; Creating the vision (interview with J.K. Rowling and the filmmakers); three interactive challenges; self-guided iPIX tours of Honeydukes and Professor Lupin's classroom; interviews with cast; meet the animal trainers; Choir practice (sing-along with Hogwarts choir); Hogwarts portrait gallery; Conjuring a scene (behind-the-scenes creation of Buckbeak and the Dementors); theatrical trailers from all three Harry Potter films; Electronic Arts game preview. DVD-ROM features include: Wizard trading cards; Hogwarts timeline. 4 3/4 in. Date: 2004 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [jHar] (1),
9. An all dogs Christmas carol / Christmas carol the movie   Publication: Beverly Hills, Calif. : Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer : | Distributed by Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, 2010 . 1 videodisc (150 min.) : , "2 holiday kids movies"--Container. | A Christmas carol : the movie was originally produced as a motion picture in 2001. An all dogs Christmas carol was originally produced as a motion picture in 1998. 4 3/4 in. Date: 2010 Availability: Items available: [jAll] (1),
10. Harry Potter and the goblet of fire   Publication: Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, 2016 . 2 videodiscs (157 min.) : , Originally released as a motion picture in 2005. | Closed captioned for the hearing impaired. | Based on the novel by J.K. Rowling. | Special feature: Bonus disc: "Creating the world of Harry Potter - part 4: sound & music" featurette. 4 3/4 in. Date: 2016 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [jHar] (1),
11. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1   Publication: Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, 2011 . 1 videodisc (146 min.) : , Based on the novel by J.K. Rowling. | Videodisc release of the 2010 motion picture. | For special features see interactive menu. 4 3/4 in. Date: 2011 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [jHar] (1),
12. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2   Publication: Burbank, California Distributed by Warner Home Video 2016 . 2 videodiscs (130 min.) : , Edition statement from container sleeve. | Series statement from container spine. | "Year 7, part two"--Container. | Based on the novel by J.K. Rowling. | Originally produced as a motion picture in 2011. | Special features Disc 1: Deleted scenes (Scene 184, Shell Cottage ; Scene 185, Harry & Luna at Dobby's grave on the beach ; Scene 215, Hog's head ; Scene 229E, Marble staircase, Harry & Ginny ; Scene 242, Wooden bridge ; Scene 245, Hogwart's battlements ; Scene 274, Slytherin dungeons ; Scene 346G, Marble staircase, Ron & Hermione). | Special features Disc 2: Creating the world of Harry Potter part 8: Growing up ; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2: Behind the magic ; A conversation with J.K. Rowling and Daniel Radcliffe (extended version) ; The great hall of Hogwarts ; Ron and Hermione's kiss ; That's a wrap, Harry Potter ; Neville's battle makeup ; The Gringotts disguises ; Harry's death: the courtyard confrontation. 4 3/4 in. Date: 2016 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [jHar] (1),
13. Little women   Publication: Arlington, Virginia PBS Distribution 2018 . 1 videodisc (approximately 175 min.) : , Title from opening credits and container. | Based on the book by Louisa May Alcott. | Originally broadcast as a television mini-series on the program "Masterpiece" on the PBS network in May 2018 | Wide screen (16x9). | Bonus features: Little women: becoming a woman, then and now; Little women: creating the world of Little women; Visit Orchard House: where Lousia May Alcott wrote Little women. 4 3/4 in. Date: 2018 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [Lit] (1),
14. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow   Publication: Australia Paramount . 1 videodisc (106 min.) , "DVD 5625"--Disc label. | Special features: commentaries by Jon Avnet, Kerry Conran & the VFX crew; Brave new world chapter 1; Brave new world chapter 2; The art of World of tomorrow; the original six minute short; deleted scenes; gag reel. 4 3/4 in. Availability: Items available: Book Cart [Sky] (1),
15. Judy   Publication: Santa Monica, California Lionsgate 2019 . 1 videodisc (approximately 119 min.) , Originally released as a motion picture in 2019. | Based on the stageplay "End of the Rainbow" by Peter Quilter. | Wide screen (2.39:1; 16x9). | Special features: "From the Heart: the making of Judy" featurette; photo gallery; theatrical trailer. 4 3/4 in. Date: 2019 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [Jud] (1),