Griswold, P.R.
Colorado's loneliest railroad P.R. Griswold - Pruett Pub. Co. 1980 - 190 p
This book is about a railroad that began in 1909 and was only 31 miles long and built on nearly level ground. The San Luis Southern Railway was a simple yet remarkable railroad, as were its successors. It never owned more than 4 locomotives and 20 cars at any one time, yet it managed to survive financial crisis after financial crisis to reach the age of 67 in a solvent condition. The past of this little railroad is centered around an area of Colorado and New Mexico history
385 Gri 42
Colorado's loneliest railroad P.R. Griswold - Pruett Pub. Co. 1980 - 190 p
This book is about a railroad that began in 1909 and was only 31 miles long and built on nearly level ground. The San Luis Southern Railway was a simple yet remarkable railroad, as were its successors. It never owned more than 4 locomotives and 20 cars at any one time, yet it managed to survive financial crisis after financial crisis to reach the age of 67 in a solvent condition. The past of this little railroad is centered around an area of Colorado and New Mexico history
385 Gri 42