Groppi, Ugo
Above all a shepherd: Pope John XXIII Ugo Groppi and Julius S. Lombardi - New York P. J. Kennedy & Sons 1959 - 223 p.
At the death of Pius XII, one of the truly great Popes in history, surmise was great as to the identity of the man who would become his successor.
John XXIII, Pope 1881-1963
921 Joh Gro 15
Above all a shepherd: Pope John XXIII Ugo Groppi and Julius S. Lombardi - New York P. J. Kennedy & Sons 1959 - 223 p.
At the death of Pius XII, one of the truly great Popes in history, surmise was great as to the identity of the man who would become his successor.
John XXIII, Pope 1881-1963
921 Joh Gro 15