Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Campbell, T. Colin, frey50

Whole : rethinking the science of nutrition / Print T. Colin Campbell, PhD ; with Howard Jacobson, PhD. - xvi, 328 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm Paperback book.

Enslaved by the system -- Paradigm as prison -- Subtle power and its wielders -- Final thoughts.

"The China Study" revealed what we should eat and provided the powerful empirical support for this answer. "Whole" answers the question of why. Why does a whole-food, plant-based diet provide optimal nutrition? "Whole" demonstrates how far the scientific reductionism of the nutrition orthodoxy has gotten offtrack and reveals the elegant wonders of the true holistic workings of nutrition, from the cellular level to the operation of the entire organism.

9781937856243 (hardback) 1937856240 (hardback) 9781937856250 (e-book) 1937856259 (e-book)


Longevity--Nutritional aspects.

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