Lehane, Brendan
The book of Christmas Brendan Lehane - Alexandria, Virginia Silver Burdett 1986 - 141 p. - Enchanted World Series Book 14 .
Retells the stories of Christ's birth, Christmas trolls, ghosts, the Nutcracker, the Lord of Misrule, and Father Christmas describes special holidays associated with Christmas, and includes lyrics to traditional songs
y394.268282 LeH 88
The book of Christmas Brendan Lehane - Alexandria, Virginia Silver Burdett 1986 - 141 p. - Enchanted World Series Book 14 .
Retells the stories of Christ's birth, Christmas trolls, ghosts, the Nutcracker, the Lord of Misrule, and Father Christmas describes special holidays associated with Christmas, and includes lyrics to traditional songs
y394.268282 LeH 88