Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Montgomery, C. M.

Cimarron, of wild and woolly fame Historic Cimarron C. M. Montgomery - Santa Fe, NM New Mexico Magazine April 1969 - 6 p Magazine Article

Mater List Item # 82

File location is in the New Mexico File Cabinets

Magazine article + Photographs 1)Panoramic view of Cimarron Plaza 2)Old Mill 3)Saint James Hotel 4)Bedroom Saint James Hotel 5)Lucien Maxwell's Monument 6)Drawing of a man and his horse 7)Front of the Saint James Hotel 8)Hand-dug Well 9)Fred Lambert in Aztec Mill 10)Lucien Maxwell's Old Home 11)Colfax County Courthouse

This article is about historic buildings in Cimarron, New Mexico.

Lambert, Fred
Leitzell, J. W.
Maxwell, Lucien B.
Allison, Clay
Crockett, Davy II
Ketchum, Black Jack
Lambert, Henri
Tolby, T. J. Rev.
Vegas, Cruz
Sheriff Rhinehart

Dahl Bros. Trading Post
Springer Home
Cimarron News and Press
Saint James Hotel
Maxwell Land Grant
Dawson Boys
Carson, Kit

Village History
Historic Buildings
Outlaw History
Satan's Paradise
Crossroads of the Outlaws
Indian Raids

Cimarron, New Mexico
Santa Fe Trail

New Mexico - Cities and Towns - Cimarron 36