Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Brinton, Clarence Cranfrey50

Ideads And Men The Story of Western Thought by Crane Briton - Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall 1950 - 484 p.

Includes Index

1. The Hellenic fountainhead -- 2. The crisis of Greek culture -- 3. The later classical culture -one world -- 4. The doctrine of Christianity -- 5. The Middle Ages I -- 6. The Middle Ages II -- 7. Making the modern world -I. Humanism -- 8. Making the modern world -II. Protestantism -- 9. Making the modern world -III. Rationalism -- 10. The eighteenth century -a new cosmology -- 11. The nineteenth century -I. The developed cosmology -- 12. The nineteenth century -II. Attacks from right and left -- 13. The twentieth century -the anti-intellectual attack -- 14. Mid-twentieth century -some unfinished business.

Civilization, Western

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