Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Seymour, William frey50

Decisive factors in twenty great battles of the world by William Seymour; maps by W.R.N. Watson - New York St. Martin's Press 1989 - 385 p.

Includes index

The Battle of Zama, 202 BC -- The Battle of Hastings, 14 October 1066 -- The Battle of Manzikert, August 1071 -- The Kingdom of Jerusalem : prelude to Hattin -- The Battle of Hattin, 4 July 1187 -- The Battle of Bosworth, 22 August 1485 -- The Naseby campaign, April-June 1645 -- The Battle of Leuthen, 5 December 1757 -- Saratoga campaign : the Battles of Freeman's Farm and Bemis Heights, 19 September and 7 October 1777 -- The Battle of Borodino, 7 September 1812 -- The Battle of Ligny, 16 June 1815 -- The Battle of Waterloo, 18 June 1815 -- Battle of the Alma, 20 September 1854 -- The American Civil War, 1861-1865 : background to the Seven Days' Battle -- The Seven Days' Battle, 26 June-2 July 1862 -- The Battle of Gettysburg, 1-3 July 1863 -- The Vicksburg campaign, January-July 1863 -- The Chickamauga-Chattanooga campaign, June-November 1863 -- Background to Isandhlwana -- The Battle of Isandhlwana, 22 January 1879 -- The Battle of Tannenberg, 26-30 August 1914 -- The Battle of Warsaw, August 1920 -- The seige of Dien Bien Phu, 13 March-8 May 1954 -- The nature and pattern of war.


Military history.

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