Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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Sunrise and stormclouds Edited by Roger Morgan - New York Newsweek Books 1975 - 160 p. - Milestones of History Vol. 10 .

Includes Index

1903: Wings over Kitty Hawk -- 1904: The Russo-Japanese war -- 1905: E=Mc2 -- 1907: Picasso Revolutionizes art -- 1908: An automobile for the masses -- 1910: "Do or Die" -- 1914: Assassination Sparks the Great War -- 1916: Slaughter at the Somme -- 1917: "Peace, Bread and land" -- 1919: Treaty of Versailles -- 1922: The Blackshirts March on Rome -- 1928: The new socialist offensive -- 1929: Panic on Wall Street -- 1933: The burning of the Reichstag -- 1935: Insurance for the Elderly -- 1936: The spanish civil war

Traces milestones on history from the aviation triumphs of the Wright brothers in 1903 to the Spanish civil war of 1936.



History--Modern -- 20th century
Civilization--Modern --20th century

909.823 Sun 15